Jace - The Popular Kid

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(Jace and his little brother above)

Name: "Jace Reeves." He smiles softly

Age: "I'm seventeen years old!" HD chuckles

Gender: His eyes widen "What? You mean you can't tell I'm a boy?"

Species: "Last time I checked I was human. I doubt I've changed in that one second." He smiles.

Personality: "Uh... well...?" He thinks for a moment "I can be quiet at times, but I'm also very loud at times too. I'm a sociable person, and I can get angry quick. I'm protective over a lot of things, like my little brother or any jerk who thinks bullying is hilarious."
He's also oblivious and optimistic.

Likes: His eyes widen and a grin forms on his face "I like; Ice cream, Cookie's, sweets, coconut ice, sherbet sti-" basically likes everything sweet.

Dislikes: "Savoury things... even my cereal is coated with three table spoons of sugar."

Looks: "I'm up in the chapter art! I'm with my little brother there, so in case you were wondering, I'm the tall one." He chuckles

Background: "Well... I don't really have one. My parents work away a lot of the time so I look after my little brother, but other than that there's nothing. I mean before everyone asks if I hate my parents because of it, the answer is no. They have to work. I guess it's just life." He smiles softly.

Other: "I have two tattoo's... don't tell the school but they're on my back and my leg." He also doesn't really like the rest of the popular kids and has a cat.


It was Saturday morning and your OC was out walking the dog. Their dog spots something and drags your OC along. Soon she finds herself with no control over her dog and ends up in someone's garden.

She looks around to see where she is and realises her dog had been following a cat which was now in their owners arms.

She looks up and see 's one of the popular kids with a concerned face.
"Excuse me miss, are you okay?" He says.

How does your OC react?

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