Miyano - The Banished One

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This is yanderepie OC! Thank you so much for letting me use her in this book! Sorry it took so long to post!!

Name: "U-Um... it's Miyano Euiko. . ."

Age: "I-Im F-Fifteen."

Gender: " I'm a... female." She sounded uncertain.

Species: "H-Human."

Personality: "...." shy, a bit dull and as well as violent.

Likes: "S-Sakura trees,  sweets... a-and o-ocasionally you..."

Dislikes: "M-My dad and... hmm anyone who stand between me and my love.."


Background: "I was banished from my home

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Background: "I was banished from my home... all that is left are memories of my sister Yukari and I. Soon I-I met you and... well we began living together... I was hit and abused a-at home b-because Yukari is a demon and is devil spawn meaning they treated me the s-same... I enjoy your company and you taught me how to r-ride a bike!"

Other: she has a habit of sleeping on your shoulder.

Scenario: you were living with Miyano and went to work everyday and left her at home one day when you come home she greets you with a soft kiss as she pulls away and goes bright red.

What do you do now?

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