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*Friday morning*

Me and Simon show up to school really early to make up for the fact we was late the day before. When we got outside our form room we was the only people their. Only a handful of people walked the corridors but nobody was sitting down outside our form. Their was plenty of room for me and Simon to stretch out. Dispute that Simon decided to sit on my lap with his legs wrapped around my waist. I wasn't complaining, theirs just no need for it.

Simon is so proud that I'm his and wants everyone to know, I'm proud as well. I guess I'm not as confident as Simon is. I want everyone to know that I'm Simons but it's a little strange to me knowing that everyone is invested in our relationship. Everyone is routing for us. I guess that means everyone sees how good we are for each other, that's a sort of reassurance that it's not just in my head.

Simon kept up our conversation about causal things like who's allegedly sleeping with who and dumb rumours going around about us. Some of them where spot on. Others not so much.

My favourite is that our parents kidnapped us and we escaped here on a boat. Someone things that we left for a stunt to become more likes. I don't see how they came to that conclusion but their are we far from the truth as possible.

Author mote

I wrote most of this drunk.  I mean I'm still drunk but don't drink kids. I think this good but it may be crap when I read it sober. I hope it's really todo

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