Are you sober now?

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What the fuck happened last night. All I remember is passing a bottle of vodka between Simon and now I'm awake in a bed with Simon almost falling off on the other side. Attempting to sit up my head starts to spin. Fuck how much did I have to drink last night.

"Simon?" I wonder if he's awake yet, maybe he can fill in the empty spots in my mind.

"What is it Josh?" He responded, "Are you sober now?"

"What happened last night I can't remember shit." I slowly manage to sit up, god I'm so hungover.

"I knew you wouldn't remember anything." Simon laughed but he had a hint of disappointment in his voice, "You got black out drunk for some reason and Vikk let us sleep in his parents room."

"Did I do anything stupid?" I asked holding my head.

"Do you remember doing anything dumb?"

"I don't remember shit I wish I did. At least if I remember doing dumb shit I could fix it." I shut my eyes because the light is really hurting my head, "I think I'm dying."

"That's what happens when you drink more than you can handle." Simon got out of the bed, "Come on let's go get you some water and painkillers."

"What about more booze?"

"After last night your not having anymore alcohol until you're recovered." I guess I did something dumb that I don't remember, why won't Simon tell me.

"Tell me what I did Simon. I know I did something your acting funny." I nearly black out as I stand up, "Fuck."

"We will talk later, first you need shit for that hangover." Simon grabbed hold of me, "Don't pass out on the way down stairs."

"I'll try not to."

Me and Simon struggle slowly down their stairs because my vision keeps going black. I'm never drinking that much again. Why do people do that for fun, surely feeling like shit after isn't worth it.

"So they awake from their slumber." Vikk was sitting down at a table in his boxers with another boy, "This is Tobi."

"Hey." I yawn.

"How drunk was he?" Tobi asked, "He looks like shit."

"He cant remember anything." Simon laughed, "Have you got any painkillers?"

"Sure sit down I'll get the shit for you." Vikk said.

Authors note

Im inpatient.

Josh don't remember. Sorry but we couldn't have Josh know he's not straight now. Anyway here we now have Tobi. I'm so happy for you to see what's next I'm tempted to publish like 10 chapters at once.

I used to ask questions at the end of chapters so I'm going to start that up again.

What's your favourite band?

Mine is all time low.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻

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