Imagine if they

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Only a hour until our parents are showing up to go parents evening with us and I'm shitting myself. Will the teachers tell them about all the jokes we've made about having raging crushes on each other and our secret relationship. The teachers must think their jokes. I just really hope they don't feel the need to mention them to our parents.

Me and Simon haven't spoke since we've got back from school, we're too scared about what's going to happen next to say anything. We're just sitting watching day time Tv and shitting ourselves. I want to tell my parents me and Simon are together. I want them to understand and accept me. I know they won't. They will never. Ever since Simon came out they've made it crystal clear what they think. Me being their son won't change any of that. If I'm a disappointment for being friends with a bisexual imagine how much of a disappointment I would be if they found out I was.

My whole life they've been happy that I had a friend like Simon, the poster boy for the rich. If I think about it they wasn't really ever proud of me. They was proud I was friends with Simon, they was happy I had a friend like him. They was happy I was friends with the person everyone wishes to me. They wanted me to be just like Simon.

Now me being like Simon is their biggest fear. The fact they care more about that I have a friend who happens to like boys as well as girls makes them sick. Imagine if they found out I was the same. Imagine if they found out that I liked Simon. Imagine if they found out I was dating Simon. Imagine if they found out how much I loved Simon dispute the fact over never said the words. Is it too early in the relationship to tell him I love him?


"Yes josh."

"I'm scared what's going to happen." I'm scared about what their going to believe.

"So am I." Me and Simon was sitting so close that I might as well been sitting on his lap but it didn't feel as if we was close.

"Just so you know Simon. I love you."

"I love you more than you will ever know." Simon wipes a silent tear away, "If something happens tonight just know that I fucking love you."

Authors note

I felt like a short chapter today. How do you feel about me mixing short chapters and long chapters? I think this would be easier for me to get updates out without stressing but still give you enough to read. I stopped writing because the stress so I don't want to stress out too much. I'm still going to update daily whenever I can because I love seeing all your comments.

Question time now.

What's your favourite lyric from a song?

I found this hard but it's probably don't loose your fight kid from all time low missing you. I'm going to get that tattooed on my hand.

I'm also thinking about if I should start on another book that isn't a sequel. So what ship would you want to see? What's the popular ships right now?

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻

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