Such a child

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"So Josh." Simon said from across the room chewing on a cheese string instead of peeling it like some sort of monster, "Now your parents are gone what surface am I going to fuck you on first?"

"Dream on pretty boy." I peel my cheese string like a normal person, "The way your eating that must be the biggest turn off of all time."

"It's cheese you bite it."

"You bite a babybel you peel a cheese string."

"Your such a child." Simon rolled his eyes, "I'm going to plan the best picnic date for you ever and it will have cheese strings that you bite."


"Whatever take forever to eat your cheese."

"Your meant to enjoy it."

"Well I enjoy it by putting as much in my mouth as possible. You should do it because your going to need some practise." Simon grinned, I choke and start laughing, "It is tacky to make a your going to be choking on my dick tonight joke?"

"Yes." I cough, "You make up for your bad humour by being attractive though."

"So no more dick jokes?"

"Not in this chapter."

(I wanted to break the fourth wall okay. It's bad don't judge me.)

Authors note

Okay this is short because my writing slump I got myself in. I'm trying to write myself out of this but until them it will be once a day shorter updates.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻

Champagne and pools|minizerk जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें