Innocent baby

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I pace the door thinking, should I go into the main living room and ask to live with Simon. I mean they will be okay with it, it's Simon. Everyone adult thinks he's the poster boy of the rich. Popular at school, down to earth but we all know what's the truth. His parents even know the truth but they would rather their son be know as a innocent baby other than the player who lost his virginity at 14.

They definitely don't want them knowing on what he's done behind them oak doors. I don't blame them. If Simon got exposed as a trouble maker I would defiantly be branded the same. The thing is Simon isn't a trouble maker he just pretends he's one. I guess I'm thankful Simon is a poster boy for the rich because that's where I get put. I'm not an outcast thanks to Simon.

I stop and stand at the door before pushing it open.

"Erm can I ask you something." My parents look away from the tv and look towards me, "It's about moving out."

"Come sit down." My mum said, "We can go looking for houses at the weekend if you like. You can invite that Simon boy."

"It's sort of about Simon." I say sitting opposite them, "You know he has a house over in LA well he said I could move in with him. I mean if you think it's smarter for both of us to be living in one house."

"Well me and your mum would have to talk about it as I've heard some nasty rumours about this Simon figure." My dad said, "Apparently he's been sleeping around."

"No he hasn't." I lie, "That's just people trying to ruin his reputation."

"Well okay we still need to talk about it."


Authors note

It's 5am so have an update

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