Spot in the woods

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I throw a handful of pebbles at Simon's window and he sticks his head out grinning.

"Where have you been?" I ask.

"I'm locked in my room." He yawns, "Haven't eaten anything."

"Are they starving your or by choice?"

"They unlock my door to give me food I don't eat it."

"What the fuck." I exclaim, "I'm coming to get you."


"I'll be back.

"Josh!" Simon shouts as I run back to mine, "Whatever it is it probably won't work."

Out of breath from doing a 15 minuet walk in 5 minuets I bang on my door, "Mum I need a ladder."


"To break Simon out." I lean against the wall struggling to breath, "He's locked in his room so I'm breaking him out."

"I won't help with this. I don't want to get into trouble."

"Okay you didn't help you just didn't know what I was doing."


I take twenty minutes walking back with the ladder, this is a lot heavier than it look.

"What?" Simon laughed from his window, "That's fucking smart."

"I know." The ladder extended to full length comes just short of Simon's window, "It won't go any higher."

"Oh well." Simon climbs out his window and manages to get his feet on the ladder, if he was much shorter it wouldn't have worked, "You got food?"

"No but I have money and we can walk to the 24 hour Tesco."

"That's a hour walk!" Simon exclaimed climbing down the ladder nearly at the bottom

"Simon!" A scream emerges from his room.

"Run." Simon jumps the last four steps and we start running down the road as fast as our legs would take us laughing as we go, "This is probably the most fun I've had in my life."

"Same." I look over my shoulder and see Simon's parents driving towards us, "The ally way they won't be able to follow us."

Me and Simon keep running seemingly random but we was taking probably the most indirect rout to Tesco as possible. We need something to eat and soon.

"I can't run anymore." Simon coughed, "No energy."

"Let's walk then we're nearly their."

"God now I wish I ate something. Your phones flashing."

"Oh it's my mum." I shrug picking up, "Hi."

"Your so lucky Simon's parents aren't blaming us for this." Was the first thing she said, no hello, "Otherwise you would have been in so much trouble."

"Tell them if they just accepted the fact Simon liked dudes none of this will have happened."

"Look Josh I will not try to convince them of anything right now." She sighed, "I'm not happy about you liking the same gender but your going to go against me so I decided to accept it. It's better than you doing drugs."

"Okay so why did you call me?"

"Just make it home safe will you."

"Okay bye."


"What did she say?" Simon asked.

"That I'm lucky your parents aren't blaming them for me breaking you out and to make it home safe." I shrug shoving my phone into my hoodie, "And that she isn't happy that I'm bi but rather that than me doing drugs."

"Little does she know."

"Hey it was a few times it don't count."

"Yes it does Josh. It's a little more than a few times."

"True but what she don't know won't hurt her." I look around at the empty streets, "Come on Tesco is only five minuets away."


Me and Simon left Tesco with more food than we could carry. It's probably enough to survive a few days if we decide not to go home. I don't even know if we're going home. When Simon's parents agree to let him come back America with me we will go back to our friends.

"Where are we going to go?" Simon asked opening a pack of Dorito's and shoving a handful in his mouth.

"Nearest park?"

"That's back our way."

"What about the beach?"

"Too far."

"Where then?"

"Theirs that spot in the woods down by the river we had a party that one time when we was like 15." Simon suggested

"Do you even remember how we get their?"

"I mean we could probably work it out."

"Sure let's go."

Simon was surprisingly good at navigating our way back their. Within half an hour without getting that lost we somehow managed to find our way their.

Authors note

Okay since if I kept writing this would be a much longer chapter I decided this is going to be two chapters instead.

Since I spoke a tiny bit about drugs I'm going to put here drugs aren't cool. Don't do drugs. Drugs are bad. People at school who was like I only do weed I don't want to ruin my life now do harder drugs. Their addicted so yeah their bad. Don't do drugs.

I need help writing smut. So everyone give me your advice as a writer or a reader. Like tell me what makes a smut good and what makes smut boring. I need this before I can write the chapter that's 4 after this one. I had 4 prewritten already.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻

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