I know

314 21 4

Me and Simon where naked in my bed with the blankets thrown over us. He keeps pulling them over him, sure he's probably cold but it's my bed so I get dips over my bed covers.

"Josh." Simon whined when I pulled them over me.

"Their mine." I yawn holding on tight to them as he tried to pull them back, "Theirs more downstairs."


"Under the stairs."

"Alright." Simon gets up and I fully wrap myself in the quilt, "You could just share."


"Your perfect you know Josh."

"I know."

Simon laughs as he's leaving the room. I'm so tired. I'm in so much pain. I'm just going to sleep for a bit longer. I can recover for a few hours then later this evening I have a picnic date to look forward to. That will be fun, really fucking fun.

"Hey Josh." I hear Simon say getting into bed next to me and my eyes start to shut, "Your fucking amazing okay."

*time skip to Simon trying to get josh up to go on the date*

"Josh wake up." Simon pulled the blankets off of me and onto the floor, "You need to get dressed."

"I'm naked." I yawn, "And cold so give me that."

"You going to get up?"

"Sure gimme." I roll over so I'm on my back as he throws the covers back on the bed, "I'll be a minuet."


"I'm going to get up." I assure him standing up wrapping myself in the blanket, "I'll shower and be dressed in like ten I'm just cold."



"Simon I'm in pain." I complain as we walk to the beach, "Like a lot of pain."

"It's your fault." Simon laughed, "Do you want me to carry you?"


"Get on my back then. I'll carry you as far as I can."

I climb on Simons back and form a tight grip on his shirt, "Onward."

"Dickhead." Simon laughed running forward along the path, he's not going to be able to keep this up all the way to the beach, "Josh your fucking heavy."

"Well you love me." I pout slipping down Simons back, "Shit I'm gonna fall."

"Dude get off we're gonna steal a trolley from Asda."

When we get to Asda Simon puts in a pound to get a trolley and presents it for me to sit in. Before sprinting pushing the trolley out the empty car park and along the path to the beach. Nobody was their to stop us this late at night. Asda closed hours ago.

"How legal is this?" I ask as Simon hopped on the back of the trolley letting it roll down the slope down to the beach alone, "Shit!"

"No idea!" Simon screamed as the trolley sped down, "We're gonna fucking die!"

Simon climbs into the basket mere seconds before the trolley hit the bottom and flipped on its side with us in. We just lie that laughing on the floor, our limbs tangled together and Simon keeping a tight grip on the bag with everything needed for our date.

"You okay?" Simon asked.

"I'm not hurting any more than I already was."

"That's your fault." Simon rolled his eyes.

"Your dick." I laugh.

"You said you was fine."

"Well I was at the time."

"Whatever we're going to have a cute date with food and candles." Simon stood up, "Come on I found the perfect spot earlier."

"You went out earlier?" I ask running to catch up with him.

"Yeah while you was sleeping, it's really nice."

"The whole place is the same though."

"No I found a little cave bit. Well it's not a cave as such more a alcove but it's nice."


"It's perfect." Simon had a small smile on his face, this is the first time he has taken someone on a date in years I think it's cute the amount of effort he's putting into this.

To be honest I didn't expect him to ever take me on a date. He's never been that sort of person. Casual sex was all he was interested in from the age of 15.

"So where is it?" I ask the sand getting all in my shoes.

"Nearly their." Simon starts to climb some rocks, "Here."

I look at Simon who was standing about a two feet above me on a rock against the cliff, his phone light shone into the alcove.

"Is it stable?" I ask starting to climb.

"Sure come on get up and I can light the candles."

Simon laid out a blanket for us to sit on and another for around our shoulders for when get cold. The bag was full of snacks and the candles light up around us.

"This is really sweet." I say opening a chocolate bar, "And you didn't be boring and get strawberries."

"I was going to." Simon acts offended, "To be honest I didn't want to be cliche."

"So you bought Doritos and Mars bars."


Authors note

They fucked. I mean I tried to write it but it was the most awful smut ever. So just so everyone knows they shagged and Simon topped. My friend Sophie is giving me 3 of her old sidemen tops because they don't fit her anymore and their super faded. You know the ones that say sidemen and the side was white and the men was a different colour. Well it's them. The pink (the don't sell the pink anymore) and blue is super faded I may try to salvage the colour somehow. The third is white so it's cool.

Hugs, kisses and peace

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