More booze

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"I'm going out for a bit." I tell Simon who was hungover wrapped in all my blankets in my bed.

"Get more booze." He said keeping his eyes shut.

"You had enough last night."


"We have some here anyway."

"Where." Simon sat up squinting, "Just one vodka and coke so I can survive."

"No." I laugh throwing a pack of cigarettes over to him, "Because I know what your going to ask next."


"In the pack."

"Cheers. Where you going anyway?"

"We need food for the next week."

"We have food." Simon motioned to all the snacks on the floor.

"Real food."

"What's this then pretend food?"

I ignore Simon and grab my money off the desk where Simon just looks at me smiling.

"See you in a bit."

"I love you more than you will ever know."

"I love you so much Simon."


"Simon open the fucking door!" I shout after knocking for five minuets, I left my keys on my desk like a idiot.

Simon opens the door in just his boxers looking super tired, "Theirs no point me going back to sleep now."

"Come and help me put this shit away then."

I keep looking over at Simon who's been lazily putting away the cereal for the past 5 minutes. He's getting one box from the table at a time like a zombie stuck in auto pilot. His hair was sticking up in every direction and his sleepy eyes where half shut. He looked perfect.


"So where's this picnic date you promised me?" I asked Simon later on when we was cuddling on my bed.

"Tomorrow." Simon traced shapes on my back with his fingers, "I'm going to sort it all out durning the day then we're going to have a midnight picnic date on the beach."

"Sounds perfect."

"The perfect date for the perfect guy."

"When was the last time you actually took someone on a date?" I asked.

"When I was like 15 or something. I don't usually do dates."

"You don't usually do relationships."

"Well your special. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." 

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I smile to myself, "You mean so much to me."

"I know Josh. Your the only person who's been their for me since the start."

"I would give up everything for you."

"I would give up everything for you."

"Simon." I start, "You have done so much for me my whole life. I would be a completely different person if it wasn't for you. Your my everything. Your my whole world..."

"Shh." Simon put his finger over my lips, "I love you."

Authors note

So I tried to write smut but it was so bad I scrapped it and cut the chapter off their. Honestly my writers block is awful. I burnt myself out and it's super annoying. This story is going to come to its planned end soon. I don't want to drag this out too long but theirs a few sub plots I need to wrap up.

Hugs kisses and peace ✌🏻

Champagne and pools|minizerk Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora