Chapter Nineteen: I Don't Want to Die

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Lizzie's POV

Gareth leads me down a hallway and up a flight of stairs. My arm hurts really bad. Blood is still streaming down my it.

He opens a door and we walk in. There is a lot of medical things in the room. Syringes, bandages, gauze, medicine, pills, ect.

"Have a seat right here and I'll take a look at you." Gareth says.

I walk to where he is and take a seat on a small, twin-sized bed. He walks over to a counter and pulls some things out.

"I used to have an uncle named Gareth." I say. He fiddles with a few things and looks at me.

"Used to?" He asks.

"Yeah. He died when this happened, well, I actually don't know what happened to him. My dad just told me he was dead." I tell him.

He walks to me and laughs.

"That's funny because I have a niece. Her name is Lizzie. She is my brothers daughter. His name was Michael. He died a few weeks into this mess. His wife's name was Denise. She was beautiful. Long, blonde hair. Bright blue eyes. She looks like you, Lizzie Samuels." He says.

His face is familiar. His brown hair and green eyes are like my fathers. His face is my fathers.

"I thought my niece had died but, apparently not. Since she is sitting right in front of me." He says.

Uncle Gareth.

"What are you going to do to us? Why won't you let us go?" I ask him.

"I can't let you go." He says and turns away from me.

He walks to the counter and fiddles with a few syringes.

"I have hungry mouths to feed." He says.

Terminus. Terminus is a place full of cannibals.

"Uncle Gareth, please. You can't . . . eat me." I choke out.

"And why is that?" He asks.

"Because. I'm . . . I'm, pregnant." I choke.

Carls POV

"What if she is dead right now?" I ask.

"Carl, she is fine." Tara tells me.

"I don't even now you!" I yell.

Tara backs away from me and walks to the man with ginger hair.

"Whatever happened to Bob?" Tyreese asks.

Sasha looks at him with teary eyes.

"They took him. Before they put us in here, they got him and took him away." Sasha says.

Everyone goes silent. I hear distant chattering between guards through the walls. There is a knock on the door and I see Tara jump.

"Hey! Lunch is served!" A man yells. He opens the door and slips two trays of food in. There are five plates of meat on each tray. We each get one and eat. The meat tastes weird but I wash it down with water. The man returns a few minutes later to retrieve the trays.

"Did all of you enjoy?" He asks us.
Some of us nod, I don't.

"Good." The man says and laughs.

"Where is Bob?" Sasha asks.

The man looks at her and says "Right there." He says and nods his head to a plate on the floor. This plate still has a chunk of meat on it.

Dead LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon