01. New introductions.

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A few things have changed since we last talked. Well, by a few things I mean literally fucking everything. I almost feel like new introductions are needed here, I feel like the person I am now isn't the same as the one who you guys know.

I guess in the last 4 years since we last left off, I'd been mainly trying to find myself. I know how cliche right? But I guess I was successful in some ways. I had actually worked a few things out about myself. I figured out what I wanted to do with my life and I figured out that boys and love are definitely not something I'm good at and never will be.

Carl and i went our seperate ways after about a year of 'being together'. Basically, I hate to say it but, I got majorly freaked out. Things were getting really serious and my stupid self panicked and called everything off. I know I know I can hear all of you yelling at me right now but in that moment I just needed space. I needed to work on my own shit. We tried to be friends again after but it really just didn't work, we couldn't make it work. So we went our seperate ways and to be honest, we hadn't really talked since.  But since we are all being honest here, I thought about him every day.

Oh yeah, another bombshell, I'm living in Australia. Yeah I know big big change. So my mum pretty much fucked me off for her fiancé and they moved interstate. She was selling the house and I was a complete mess, I no longer had her I no longer had carl so in the heat of the moment I booked a one way ticket and I haven't been back since. The first year was the hardest, I struggled to find work and spent my time juggling between part time jobs at cafes, restaurants, whatever I could get. I scraped enough money to pay rent in a small little apartment and then everything changed when I got my receptionist job. I was employed by a producing company as just the receptionist and I absolutely loved it. The people were great, the money was better, and turns out i want to work in producing now. Yeah maybe a bit of a big dream but my foot was in the door and I was gonna go for it. That was of course, until I got a phone call that changed my life completely again.

I was at work when I saw the name

Lip Gallagher

Flash across my phone screen and an overwhelming rush of emotions took over. I did still speak to some of the Gallaghers but not very often, only really a message on special occasions so for him to call me was a complete and utter shock.

I answered the phone not knowing at all what to expect.


"Yeah hey Ava," memories rushed through me at the sound of his voice but he didn't sound his usual chirpy self, he sounded almost grim.

"Is everything okay?" Panic started to rise at the possibilities of what could be wrong.

"Ava, its Carl, we need you."

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