Chapter 12

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"So you're not mad at me?"

"Mad? I don't believe I could ever be mad at you. We might have not known each other for long, but I have this odd feeling..."

"What do you mean by odd?"

"I can't explain it, but I completely trust you. I've never been able to trust people very quickly."

Elsa toyed with her hair, "I suppose I have that effect on everybody. I just seem trustworthy." She shrugged. "It really isn't bad though, I always have been sort of a lock-and-key for secrets."

John smiled and stood up. "Well, even if our date didn't exactly work out, I'm still going to take you home," he extended his hand, which Elsa gladly took.

"But you live pretty much exactly where I do,"

"Then it's not out of my way," he laughed.

They walked out of the cafe together, and through the park. When the two finally got back to Baker Street, John kissed Elsa's cheek and walked upstairs. She walked into her flat, glad that she remembered a key this time. Mrs. Hudson was sitting in front of the telly.

"Hello, dear," she said without turning around.

"Hello, Mrs. Hudson. What are you watching?"

"Oh, just some old show from the 60's. It's very interesting, I think you would rather like it."

Elsa looked at the screen. "Oh, I know this show! But I've only seen the revival episodes, never the originals. Are they any good?"

"Are they any good? Are they any good? Elsa Marie Wiggens! Of course they are! Otherwise they wouldn't have bothered airing it for almost 45 years,"

"Ok, ok, that was a dumb question," she laughed at herself, "but compared to the revival?"

"I believe you would absolutely adore the originals. They are a bit more involved, and plot takes a longer time to develop, but the story is amazing. The revival has no chance in making an episode as good."

"Then I suppose I'll have to join you," Elsa sat down next to Mrs. Hudson.

The two flat mates continued watching the telly for a few more hours, finally stopping around midnight, when Mrs. Hudson could barely keep her eyes open.

"Goodnight, Elsa. I'll see you in the morning,"

"Actually, you probably won't. I want to go to the library and look for some books to read."

"Bless your soul, child. You may have grown up an awful lot, but you still remain with your habits."

"Is there something wrong with reading? I just love the escape! It's a break from this world, this stupid world full of- of- nothing. And everything. Nothing and everything. I don't want either. My books help me deal with reality, and I wouldn't trade that for anything else."

"Ok, dear. My library card is in the drawer by the stove. Check out as many books as you want."

"Thank you, Mrs. Hudson! Thank you!" Elsa ran up and hugged her, "I could get you something too, if you want."

"Oh dear, I hardly have time for reading now-days. You needn't to bother in finding me something." Mrs. Hudson turned and walked into her room, "old habits die hard" she whispered before closing the door.

Elsa couldn't believe it, Mrs. Hudson was trusting her with her personal library card, she never lent out any card of hers. All she had to do was find the library tomorrow, and she was set for a while. As long as she got enough books.

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