Mirror, Mirror

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AN: Spot the reference. 


The next day, Monstrox waited in his office as Roberto went to go and bring Jestro up for the next lesson. The necromancer whistled as he took out a rather large book and dropped it on his desk beside the staff that Jestro was using along with his own staff. Monstrox planned today's lesson not to be easy, but not too hard. He turned his head as he heard the door open; seeing Roberto leading Jestro inside. Monstrox felt a grin coming on.

"So, Jestro." He walked over and bent down to the boys' level. "How are we today?"

Jestro played with his hood his he nodded.

"I'm good." He replied quietly.

Monstrox nodded as he stood back up.

"I think you're going to like what we're doing today." The necromancer walked over to his desk and picked up his own staff. "Tell me, Jestro. Do you like cooking?"

Jestro was not entirely sure where this was going or what it had to do with learning magic. But he did like to help Moltor and Flama in the kitchen sometimes. The boy just nodded a yes.

"Well today, you're oing to be doing something similar." Monstrox answered.

The necromancer faced his desk again and picked up the book. He walked back to Jestro and told him to hold out his arms; dropping the book into the boys' arms. Jestro kept his strength up; finding it hard to hold the large book.

"This is heavy." Jestro quietly complained. "It's a pretty fat book."

Monstrox raised a brow at the boy.

"It's not fat. It's just got big binding and lots of pages." The necromancer went along with Jestros' little remark before continuing. "If it's really that heavy for ya, put it on the ground and open it up."

Jestro quickly put the book down on the floor and opened its pages. The boy kneeled down as he looked through; tilting his head as he looked at all the images and noticing that they all had similar things on them. They all had pictures of magic items and how to make them.

"Wait, what're we doing?" Jestro asked; stretching his head in confusion.

Monstrox rolled his eyes the other way; not at all surprised that Jestro did not get it.

"Every magic user does this at least once in their life." Monstrox began to explain. "Inside of this book, the pages contain methods and recipes for items with magical properties. Each one different from the last."

Jestro began looking through the pages and its contents as Monstrox continued to explain.

"I want you to pick one the objects in the book and make it with the recipe written in. I will give the ingredients needed, but you will do the rest be your-"

"I wanna make this!"

Monstrox went wide eyed as Jestro interrupted him. The necromancer looked down as Jestro showed him the page with the item he wanted to make. Monstrox raised a brow as the boy had a rather eager smile on his face.

"That was quick." The necromancer thought to himself.

Roberto leaned against a wall as he watched the scene in front of him. Jestro pointed to a picture of a mirror on the page; making Monstrox raise his brow.

"The seeing mirror." He read the title of the object out loud. "An interesting choice for a nine year old to pick."

"I'm seven." Jestro corrected.

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