My Babies

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Blake's POV

Joshua is almost 5 months old! Gosh time flies. Amber has been staying home with him, and people come over all the time.

I've been on a eight day road trip, and it's been killing me! But we're going to board the plane back to LA right now.

"You alright man?" DJ pats my shoulder and I nod.

"Ya he just misses his family, and wants to get home" I smile as Chris walks by. He has a son and daughter (Lil Chris and Camryn).

"Well you got a long flight ahead of you then..." he boards the plane and I follow behind him.

I take a seat and get comfortable. I don't want to be a victim of Gothem so I decide to text Amber.

Me: Hey baby, I'm headin home... how y'all doin over in LA?"

🌺Baby Girl🌺: Hey, we're doing good. We'll be even better when you get here, when are you gonna be home.

Me: Around 9 or 10

🌺Baby Girl🌺: Ok, well I'm gonna take a nap while Josh is still asleep... Night

Me: Ok, sleep good... see ya in a bit baby girl, kiss Josh for me

I'm tired and I want to make this plane ride go fast, so I wrap my head in a blanket and go to sleep. Five more hours and I'll be home.

Amber's POV

I wake up around seven to Joshua screaming. So I get up to feed him, and change him. It's about eight when I get him back to sleep. I decide to wait for Blake so I watch tv, I eventually fall asleep though.

"Baby!" I hear Blake some what yell. I jump up and run down stairs. He drops his bags and I jump into his arms and kiss him.

"I missed you so much" I say as I hug his neck and kiss him again.

"I missed you to, where's my baby boy?" he puts me down.


"Well then we have some time to ourselves I guess..." he bites his lip and picks me up.

"Blake!" I screech a little as he tosses me onto the couch. He gets on top of me and begins kissing my neck.

"I love you baby" he whispers in my ear, sending chills down my body. I moan as he sucks on my sweet spot. He makes his way to my ear, then my lips. As our kiss gets more heated he reaches up my shirt, and begins to feel me.

"Woah slow down..." he says, I look down and I was tugging on his waist band. I flip us over and we land on the floor with a thud.

"Not gonna happen..." I say seductively as I unbutton his pants and remove his shirt. I kiss up and down his body, I suck on sweet spot and he squeezes my ass.

We both shimmy out of our pants and continue. I sit on his lap and begin to slowly ride him, but he moves his hips so I ride faster. After a few moans and seductive words, we reach our climax.

I get snapped out of it when Joshua starts screaming. I go to jump up but Blake pats my shoulder.

"I got this one babe..." he heads upstairs after putting his boxers back on. I wrap myself in a blanket and jog up stairs. I put on some boy shorts and one of Blake's 'Made in LA' shirts.

"You look cute" he says as he walks in with Josh in his arms. I laugh.

"So do you..." I say gesturing to his boxers. I get up and take the baby as he rushes and puts on some sweat pants. We both laugh as he flops onto the bed, and flips on the TV.

"This is a perfect moment... I got my BabyGirl and my BabyBoy, watching the Lakers lose..." he kisses Josh's head and my lips as I laugh.

"It'd be even better with some chocolate milk...." I say.

"I'll be right back..." he says as he jumps off the bed.

"Where you going?!" I shout out the door.

"To make chocolate milk!" he shouts as he thuds down the stairs. I just laugh and shake my head.

"Your Daddy is crazy" I tell Joshua "don't worry, you'll learn to love him..." he giggles as I kiss his forehead and tap his nose.

Blake comes back up with two glasses of chocolate milk, and a bottle for Josh. He sets a glass on the table and takes Josh, and begins feeding him. I take a sip of my milk and smile to myself.


"Hm?" he says as he burps Josh.

"You were right," he tilts his head and furrows his eyebrows "this is the perfect moment." I lean up against his arm.

"And I wouldn't trade it for anything..." he says as he kisses my head.

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