Wedding day

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*Wedding info:

Bridesmaids: Callie (maid of honor), Jenny, Jada(Chris Paul's wife) and Marieka (Taylor's wife)

Groomsmen: Taylor (best man), Deandre (DJ), Jackson, and Dustin*

Amber's POV

I can't believe in two days I'm going to marry the love of my life. We've been together for 3 almost 4 years, and engaged for 7 of those months.

I'm genuinely excited about Saturday, but I'm soooo stressed. I decide to pour so whiskey and coke. Tonight is my last night as 'Amber Lynn Jones' (our marriage becomes official by the court tomorrow, the wedding is the day after)

I sit at the counter and stare across the bar at the tv in the living room. I was in the middle of watching Cut Throat Kitchen, when the tv shut off.

"What the fuck!" I shout. I just sigh and take another sip of my drink. After about sitting in 25 minutes of silence I pour another drink. I feel strong arms wrap around my waist, and soft lips on my neck.

"Hey baby"

"Hey..." I kinda sigh. "When did you get home? I didn't see you come in."

"I know, but I left. I could tell you were mad so I went to the store." he says as he puts a bag on the counter.

"I assume your the one who shut the tv off?" I say sounding a bit annoyed, he nods. "So, what'd ya get?" I say a bit more lively.

"Sour patch kids, and a bottle of whiskey for you. And skittles for me. But you have to share the whiskey." he grins.

"Thanks babe" I kiss his lips lightly. "let's go up stairs" I say as I pass him a glass and grab the goods.

When we get up stairs we snuggle up to each other (whiskey and coke in hand) and watch Step Brothers (the best movie for when your drunk/tipsy).

"I love you so much baby" he says as he kisses the top of my head. I roll over onto his chest and look him in the eyes.

"I love you to" I say as I kiss him passionately and lay back on his chest. We fall asleep like that.

*the day of the wedding*

Blake's POV

I'm so anxious about today! I can't imagine how Amber feels right now. I hope she's ok, she's been under a lot of stress the past few days.

"Blake it's time to go" Taylor says as he pats my back. I smile and straighten my tie. I look down at my watch and its exactly 11:30, just like Amber wanted. She is so precise, and OCD.

I stand in my position at the front and music begins to play. Taylor and Callie walk down, then Jenny and DJ, Jada and Jackson, and finally Marieka and Dustin. The music stops and everyone stands.

I look at the end of the aisle and I see the most beautiful woman on the planet. The love of my life, who is soon to be mine forever. Tears well up in my eyes as she walks closer.

She is wearing the first dress she tried on. I love this dress, it's so simple and sweet. She has her hair half way up in curls with a small tiara, and very natural but noticeable makeup. Flawless.

When she reaches the alter she looks down and smiles as we take each others hands. I realize she probably has about 3-4 inch heels on.

The pastor says the basic routine, except instead of having us repeat our vows. Amber and I decided to write our own vows.

"Ladies first..." He gestures to Amber.

"Blake" she looks up at me and tightens her hold on my hand as she speaks. "When I met you 10 years ago, in a hot sweaty high school gymnasium. I had absolutely no idea I would be in this position with you. Through out school our friendship meant the world to me. It took me 6 years to realize that you weren't just one of my guy friends, but the man of my dreams. I love you with all my heart and with out you I probably wouldn't be the person I am today." tears welled up in her eyes. "I will be by your side no matter what. Even if you ask me to leave, I will still be there. I love you Blake and your more then anything I could ever ask for."

I felt a tear run down my face, and mouthed the words 'I love you to' Now it's my turn.

"Blake" the pastor coughs towards me.

"Amber, growing up I never saw you more then Amber 'AJ' Jones. The pretty girl who was crazy on and off the court. During high school you were like my sister. All the boys would chase you and I never fully understood why. But now I do. I never even had the mere thought of ever being with you in high school. Now I've realized how much of and amazingly talented, beautiful woman you are, and I couldn't picture my life without you in it. In high school basketball was the love of my life, I never expected it to bring me to meet more then my dream girl. I love you Amber. And without you, I would be more clueless then the three blind mice." my voice gets a little hoarse as I try to hold back the tears. Amber has them streaming down her face.

"The rings please" the pastor holds his hands out to Taylor. "Amber Lynn Jones, are you prepared and fully-willing to give your everything to Blake?"

"I do" I smile and a tear runs down my face when she says this.

"Blake Austin Griffin, are you preprar-"

"I do" I don't even let him finish, but he just smiles. Amber and I slide on each others rings. Right before she wraps her arms around my neck, and I put my hands on her hips pulling us close for a passionate kiss.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I present Mr. and Mrs. Blake Griffin!" the man shouts as everyone jumps up and starts cheering. Amber laughs a little and we pull away. We walk inside for the reception.

||i just wanted to say happy birthday blake! and his bday chapter will be up before the week is over... hope y'all liked it||

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