Silence is Key

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Amber's POV

Okay, so last month was very stressful. With the pregnancy scare and all. This month has been a little better, but Blake is hardly ever home or at the hotel.

We'd go to practice come back and eat dinner, then he leaves out with DJ and Chris. I know he's not doing anything bad, especially if Chris is there.

I'm just really worried. He's been very distant lately. I'm giving him his space, but I still wanna know what's up.

Blake's POV

I'm am completely and utterly tired from this past month. I quite literally everyday go to practice, go eat dinner with Amber, go to the game (when we have one), and then go out with DJ and Chris.

You see, I've been planning a surprise for Amber. DJ and Chris are helping me. Along with some of the other guys like Jamal and Matt, give input on good ideas. The whole team is in on my secret. Except for Amber. She cannot know, or else it'd ruin it.

Ok so we're going back to LA tomorrow, and we have a 3 day break from practice and games. (Granted we'll still practice somedays) Anyways, when we get home I'm going to give Amber her surprise. So I have to call James and Jenna (Amber and I's party planing friends) and make sure they're working on schedule.


"Hey man, so y'all are headin over to the house today right?"

"Yeah, so what's the game plan when we get there."

"Well, a couple of friends from Oklahoma will already be there to help. Just set up lights, music, tables, and stuff like that. I'm having a cater come with the food tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay, and you're gonna keep her out of the house until 8. And DJ will text you with the okay."

"Kool, thanks again man. I'll see ya tomorrow."

"No problem. Oh and tell DJ and Chris to text me"

"Alright, bye man" I hang up the phone as I walk in the hotel room. It's about 1:30 am, so I'm shocked when I see Amber still up.

"Hey babe" she says as I flop down beside her on the bed. We get our own room, only cuz I pay for it. But I don't mind, it's more privacy.

"Hey, why you up so late?" I say as we both sit up.

"Oh, well I was going to pack but I got distracted by the TV. So now I'm packing." she grabs her suitcase and tosses it on the bed.

"Oh, yeah I probably should do that to." we both pack. We both lay down on the bed around 2:15. When she rolls on her side and looks at me.

"What?" I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her towards me.

"Just thinking"

"Bout what?"

"Why you're always out until early in the morning lately."

"Oh, your worried bout that?" I kiss her head and laugh. "Go to sleep, and I'll explain tomorrow."

"Ok, night." she says as she attempts to peck my lips, but I pull her back to my lips and kiss her more.

"I love you Amber..." she lays her head on my chest and I rub her side.

"I love you too Blake" she laughs a little and wraps her arms around me.

We fall asleep just like that. Gosh I can't wait for tomorrow.


"What should I wear?" Amber asks as she shuffles through her bag.

"Something for warm weather..."

"Okay" she grabs a few items out and begins to change. I guess she doesn't mind changing in front of me anymore. She used to hate it.

"I'm gonna go do my hair"

"I'm not going anywhere"

When she comes out she looks gorgeous. She wearing high waisted white short-shorts, a baby blue sheer blouse with a white collar, a tank top under neath, and white converses. Her hair is placed delicately in curls atop her tan shoulders. No makeup on. Just a little lip gloss.

I love it when she goes natural, she looks so much better without it. This day is going to be perfect.

"You look beautiful." I snake my arm around her waist and kiss her glossy lips.

"Thank you" she blushes a little, so she looks down.

*at the airport*

Amber's POV

When we get to the airport I look around, and I don't see the team. Anywhere.

"Where is everyone"

"They all left early this morning." I nod my head. "C'mon, lets go..."

"Wha- Our flight doesn't leave for 45 minutes?" now I'm really confused.

"Just trust me... You'll be sad if you don't follow me..." He holds his hand out. I just smile and take his hand.

Next thing I know we're boarding a private plane. I'm so confused!

"Where are we going now?" I ask as I sit down.

"Miami" Blake grabs my hand and kisses it.

My love, My lifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora