Mr. and Mrs.

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Amber's POV

The wedding reception was so fun! Blake had his hand in mine practically all night, which is fine by me. Everyone one danced, laughed, drank... I would have to say the huge cake fight was my favorite part though. I can't wait until our honeymoon. Speaking of which I've been meaning to ask Blake about that. I'll wait until tomorrow.


I woke up and Blake was in the shower. My stomach begged me to feed it, so I went downstairs to make breakfast. I was getting juice out of the fridge when Blake came over and snaked his arms around me. 

"Good mornin to you to..." I giggle as he kisses my neck softly. He laughs and sits down at the breakfast bar.

"So what's for breakfast Mrs. Griffin?" I smile as I put his plate infront of him.

"Biskets and Gravy, and apple juice" I say as i plop into my stool next to him.

"Thanks babe" he says as he kisses my cheek. "So how does it feel to be a Griffin?" I almost choke on my food, so I finish chewing.

"I don't know, haven't done anything yet... How does it feel to have me for a wife?" i chuckle at his reaction.

"Well, I'll take you out today. I'll have to get back to you on that..." We both laugh and contiue eating. "I'll do the dishes since you cooked" he says as he gets up and walks over to the sink.

"Thanks baby" I say as i hand him my plate. "So where are you taking me today Mr. Griffin" I say as i take a sip of my juice.

"Figi" he says this so nonchalantly, while I practically do a spit take.

"What? Why?"

"Cause we have to go on our honeymoon sometime... My as well go now" he puts the dishes on the dry rack, right before I jump acropss the counter and practically attacked him.

"Thank you baby!" I say as i kiss him strongly. I laugh.

"What?" he looks at me with confusion as to why I'm laughing. 

"Last time I jumped across the counter like that was when you asked me out, nearly 3 years ago..."

"Oh, yeah" he smiles as he remembers that night. He kisses me and i begin to run my hand through his hair, down his back, and to his pants, tugging at the seam. He laughs out of the kiss and grabs my hands. "Lets go pack... We have a flight to catch"

*In Figi*

We took a private jet so the ride was very peaceful. I was on Blake's lap the whole time. I wouldn't stop kissing hima nd saying thank you and how much I love him.

When we got to the hotel, we checked in and went up to our room. It was so beautiful, ocean view and all. It was truly breath taking. I hugged Blake and thanked him for probably ythe millionth time. 

"So do you know what it's like to be a Griffin now?" he asks as he sits on the bed and kicks off his shoes.

"No" I say as I pounce on him. He looks suprised as his back hit the bed. "But I'm fixing to show you what it's like to have me as a wife..." I say as sexy as I can, and well we all know what happens in the honeymoon suite.

|Sorry for the super late update... Wattpad wasn't working right... Hope y'all liked it though|

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