Its a process

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Amber's POV

I woke up with a throbbing headache. Once that faded, and I could see straight I realized I was in a hospital room. I go to sit up and I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen.

"Ouch!" I grab my stomach and lie back onto to bed.

"Oh man, Dr. Simons said you need to stay laying down until the stitches are healed." I smile at his as he grabs my hand and kisses it. "how you feeling baby?"

"Sore. What happened?"

"You got in a car crash; Drunk driver."

"Oh, what about the baby?" when I said that he looked like he'd just had his heart ripped out of his chest.

"They could only save you or the baby." his voice began to crack and a tear rolled down his cheek. "They said she would have a small chance of surviving..." I wipe his tear and kiss his cheek.

My heart literally just broke in half, but I have to stay strong. For Blake.

"It's ok now." I kiss his lips lightly and he smiles at me. "So when do I get out of this hell hole?" he just starts laughing.

"Not for a few weeks, observation purposes. Doc gave us both the rest of the season off." I shake my head in confusion.

"Oh, but why did he give you the rest off to? They need you."

"He said with the press asking questions it would add to stress, and he doesn't want that on the court. Also, he said that someone was gonna have to take care of you." He bops his head with the last sentence, which makes me laugh.


*5 weeks later*

Blake's POV

Amber has been home on bed rest for about 2 weeks. Dr. S says she is healed enough to walk, but not for long periods of time.

"C'mon baby, you can do it. Just stand up, your half way there." Im attempting to encourage Amber, while holding her hands while she is trying to stand for the first time in a month or so.

"Ugh! I can't!" she sighs deeply as she flops back onto the bed. "Never in my life did I think I was gonna have to learn to walk again..." A tear runs down her cheek, but I quickly wipe it.

"Amber, look at me." I grab her chin but she jerks it away. "Amber Lynn! Look at me, and listen!" she looks at me with her red puffy eyes. "I'm sorry for snapping at you, but you just need to listen to me for a second okay?"

"Mhm" she wipes her nose and looks at me.

"No one said this was going to be easy, but you have to do it. WE have to do it. I'm sure this is extremely hard, and painful, but your not in this alone. I will be here for you every step of the way. I'm not going any where fast... So I have all the time in the world for you. So please, just stand up. For me baby?" I kiss her lips and she smiles.

"Okay" she slowly stands up and we begin to walk towards the bathroom. My smile gets wider with every step she takes. Once we get to the bathroom, I pick her up and put her in the tub and she whines.

"Doctor says you can't shower until you have more strength." I set down a towel next to her and I help her undress.

"But I don't wanna take a bath... Why can't I just take a shower?" she whines again.

"Cause the doctor said so. One step at a time baby, it's a process..." I kiss her forehead and turn on the water. "I'll be in the bedroom, holler if you need anything." she nods her head as I walk out to the bedroom.

*about 20 minutes later*

"Babe!" I hear Amber shout from the bathroom, so I stand up and walk in there. "Can you help me get out, and get dressed?"

"Sure babe" I pick her up out of the tub. This whole accident caused her to lose about 20 pounds. After she is dried off, I help her get dressed. And by help I mean stand there so she can lean on me for support when she needs to.

I help her walk out the bedroom, and I carry her down the stairs. Once I set her on the couch, I sit next to her and she leans on my shoulder.

"Thank you so much babe, I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you Blake." she kisses my cheek and I smile.

"It's my job, so no thanks needed, and I love you to baby girl." I peck her lips and turn on ridiculousness. We spend the rest of the day on the couch watching re-runs and eating Doritos, until we fall asleep.

My love, My lifeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum