How to be a parent

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Amber's POV

I woke up to the nastiest feeling in the pit of my stomach. I sat up immediately, which gave me a pounding headache. I go to reach for my temple, but end up grabbing my mouth and rushing to the toilet.

"Babe! Oh my gosh, are you ok?!" I hear Blake come in the bathroom, but I can't respond. I feel him pin up my hair as I continuously vomit for a few minutes.

I wipe my mouth as Blake hands me a cup of water. I get up and rinse my mouth with the water, then brush my teeth.

"What was all that about?" Blake asked as we lied back down in the bed.

"I have no clue... But it was nasty" I say as I curl up next to him.

"No one said pregnancy was easy" I sat up and looked at him.

"Who said I'm pregnant?" I gave me a pissed-off confusion look.

"No one, but I know you are..." I shake my head. He held out his arms and I lie back down. "we'll get some tests tomorrow okay?"



I woke up and Blake was gone. So I went down stairs to get some breakfast. I found a note on the counter. Blake. It said:

Good morning beautiful. I woke up early today, for some reason. And there was no more Captain Crunch, so I went to the store to buy more. I'm going to pick up a few tests as well, if you don't mind. Text me if you need anything else. Love you baby, see you in a bit. xoxo

I simply shrug my shoulders and sit on the couch. I flip on the TV and decide to watch some SpongeBob, it's been a while. It was the episode about the magic conch, and Squidward was losing his mind.

I was laughing so hard I didn't see Blake come in. He walked behind the couch and kissed my head.

"Hey baby" I say as I shut the TV off and went in the kitchen. It's like he read my mind, cause when I got in there he was making both of us cereal. "Mmmm... You read my mind."

"I bought about four test. No problems. No questions asked." he says as he hands me a brown paper bag.

"That's good, I'll take them after I eat" he nods and we get lost in conversation as we ate our cereal.

Once I finish I put my bowl I'm the sink. I grab the brown paper bag, and when I walk past Blake to go to the bathroom he slapped my ass!

"Blake!" I stopped and looked at him.

"What? You look really, really good in sweet pants." he winks at me when he said that last 'really', but I just shook my head and went in the bathroom.

I took all four of the tests, and set them on the counter. I walked out of the bathroom and sat it the hallway, watching the minutes tick by. After about a minute Blake came and sat down next to me. I'm so nervous right now.

"It'll be okay baby girl, I promise" he grabbed my hand and kissed it. I smiled and kissed his cheek. We sat there in silence the last three minutes.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I jumped up at the sound of my alarm going off. I practically ran into the bathroom. When I looked at the tests, my heart stopped. I saw Blake leaning on the door frame, out off the corner of my eye.

"Well? What do they say?" I quite literally jumped onto him. "I told you, you're pregnant." I guess he could tell by my reactions. I leaned back and looked him in the eyes.

"I love you. Dork." I roll my eyes as he kisses me. I'm starting a family with my dorky husband/best friend.

Time to call my doctor.

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