Baby not?

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Blake's POV

I'm so excited! I can't believe I'm gonna be a father! but I'm so scared... What if I'm not a good father?

"Blake!" I'm snapped out of my thoughts as Amber shouts my name.

"Yeah babe?!"

"Come here. I need your help." I stand up and jog up the stairs.

"What do you need help with?" I step into the room and she's standing in the closet with her hand on her hip.

"I don't know what to wear to the doctors..." I walk over to the closet and begin to look around at her clothes. How could she not know what to wear? She has tons of clothes.

"Here, sit down." I sit her down on the autumin in our closet. I sift through her clothes and shoes. I lay down a pair of high waisted navy blue shorts, with gold buttons, a white v-neck, and some white converses. "Put those on I'll be right back..."

"Ok, I'm gonna curl my hair while your gone..."

"Ok see ya in a few minutes baby." I kiss her cheek, grab my keys and rush out the door to the nearest mall.

Amber's POV

After I took a shower I put on the clothes he laid out for me I began to curl my hair. Once I'm done with that I do my makeup, not super heavy.

I check myself in the mirror and adjust my hair. I look down at my phone and it's a text from DJ. I go to text him back but I feel someone tap my shoulder. I look up and Blake kisses me as he puts something around my neck.

I feel my neck and it's a necklace, with a heart pedant. I pull away from Blake and look down at my neck. The pedant says 'Blakes Baby Girl' I stand up and smile at Blake.

"Thank you baby" I say as I hug his neck and kiss him again.

"C'mon we need to start heading to the Doctors" he says as he pulls away and grabs my hand. He swings it back and forth as we walk to the car.

*after the doctors appointment*

Well the doctor says I'm already 2 weeks along, and I should be due sometime in October. Gosh! I hate being an impatient person!

*about 2 months later*

Blake's POV

Amber is almost 3 months along and she's already starting to show. Doctor says in about 2 months we'll know what we're having.

Anyways, today I've had the house to myself. Amber has been out shopping with Callie. I guess I'll text Amber, they been gone for a while.

Me: Hey babe

🌺BabyGirl🌺: Hey, I was think bout inviting DJ n Cal over for a BBQ. Sound cool?

Me: Sweet I'll text him...

🌺BabyGirl🌺: Ok, well me and Callie bout to leave. See ya in a bit babe 😘

Me: Ok baby girl 😘 love ya

I put my phone down and lean back on the couch. What was I supposed to do again? Oh ya!

Me: Hey bro wanna come chill at my place today?

🍗Wingman🍗: Na bro, I'm out wit Cal today.

Me: Cal? I thought her and Amber went shopping.

🍗Wingman🍗: They did, Cal just got home. Amber should be home any minute.

Me: Ok, kool. Well Amb wants to kno if y'all wanna come over for a BBQ

🍗Wingman🍗: Alright, we'll be there in about a hour or so

Me: alright man, see ya then

I lock my phone, sigh, and head upstairs to get ready. I set my phone on the counter in the bathroom. After about 15 minutes in the shower I hear my phone ring. Probably no one important, so I ignore it.

Then it rings again, and again. I finally decide to shut the shower off and answer it. I don't recognize the number though.


"Mr. Griffin? We have your wife here in the hospital, she said to call you first."

"Ok? Is she alright?"

"Oh yes! She's fine, we're just running some tests."

"Ok, tell her I'll be there soon." I hang up and throw on the nearest clothes. Sweatpants, a v-neck, and black Jordans.

When I get to the hospital I walk in and I see a bunch of people surrounding a gernie. I jog over to ask where Amber is, and my question is answered before I ask.

"Oh my gosh! Baby are you ok? What happened?!" I grabbed Amber's hand as I looked at her scratched up face.

"Mhmm, I'm fine baby. Just a little accident" she smiles, but winces in pain.

"What happened?" I look at the Doctor.

"She was in a car accident, with a drunk driver. Luckily a bystander called."

"So, what are we gonna do?"

"Well, we ran X-rays and she has two broken ribs, some minor head trama, and her large intestine was punctured by a rib. Needs surgery immediately" I shake my head at this, as tears fill my eyes.

"What about the baby?" the doctor gives me a befuddled look when I say this.


"Ya, she's 11 weeks pregnant!" I begin to get mad.

"Well, it's not likely that the baby survived or will survive. And we can only save one of them."

"Ok" I nod my head as they rush Amber to the nearest operation room. They slam the door shut before I could say goodbye. So I wait outside the waiting room with my head in my hands, praying to god she'll be ok.

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