Oh The Dreams

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"Commence vital fluid extraction."

A soft, high pitched noise sounded from an unknown place. A tiny pinch of pain from one of my left limbs. A nauseous feeling had taken over as I felt drained, something pulling another out from my left forearm. I glanced down to where the pulling feeling came from and had spotted a cord protrude from my arm, a section of metal touched my skin, a painless zapping from where it sat.

The long tube was not transparent, easier for me to see where the other end led to.

To the other side of what seemed like a room was a decent sized container, roughly the size of a gas bottle.

Gas bottle... What is that? And how do I know it?

"Subject 2 is awake and responding to surroundings." That name. I observed around further. There were many containers like the first I saw, the first I am connected to. Then another one on the other end, connected with a tube that hung in the air, almost floated.

The other end led to the other like me. Who mirrored my appearance exactly with such intentional accuracy. But she was not awake. Resting, in a slumber. Her eyes were closed and I took in her familiar features easily.

The only difference was that this time a lot of black covered her skin tightly. Thick, chunky tubing protruded from her back still, and I reach to my back, curious to see whether I had the same.

I could feel the rough, smooth, texture of the varying chords, then a cold material from were my skin and the ends almost fused at.

Metal, another thought echoed again in my mind.

"Subject 2 seems to have no effect from previously commenced damages."

"Healing ability has increased from the below average mark." I looked back down, and noticed myself that I adorned a lot of black. It was one shade, like a pitch black that consumed any form of light or colour. A skin suit?

"Subject 1 hasn't risen from induced sleep." A groan from my right, and I faced the look-a-like. Her eyes fluttered, and only then did I spot trickles of gloss slip down from her face. Her face appeared blotchy, but that was all I could identify before her hair floated around her face.

"Any progress from the Original Subject?"

"Just floating in space."

"Whithin the milky way galaxy?"

"Right where Earth will form."

"Any signs? Symptoms?"

"Re-animation despite there being no oxygen, after the constant process of becoming deceased."

"Well at least that ability is working." Silence lingered after that, though I know my surrounding the atmosphere was fuzzy.

"Extraction complete." I glanced back to the container, observing a shimmering fluid  slowing moving as it settled from the new lack of disturbance.

To Obtain A Monster (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now