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After talking to Steve for a bit, before he collected his order and gave him her number and vice versa, Steve and Danika went their separate ways. Yet again, excitement, happiness, and shock and nervousness.

"That was close." She mumbled to herself.

"Close would definitely be an understatement." She jumped at Ultron's voice that expelled the demand for attention.

"I am so sorry. Did a certain someone didn't like being ignored?" She chuckled. "And don't do that again!" She shouted. "I almost spilt my damn fucking coffee!"

"You use a lot of vulgar language quite excessively."

"I use my words to express myself. And plus it is a proven fact that people who swear have a more broadened vocabulary than those who do not."

"And I am supposed to care because..."

"Well I'm sorry for boring you with facts, 'bout time you got the karma."

"How ridiculous."

"You're ridiculous."

"Danika!" Danika looked up ahead to see Trey waving to her from his apartment balcony. "I thought I heard your voice, come on in!"

"Give me your passcode, I need it!" Danika shouted.

"What!? No, you don't I'll just let you in!" Trey shouted in return. But then the grin surfaced on Danika's face.

"Evil woman." Trey frowned.

"Evil, hardly." Ultron proposed.

"If only you knew." She smirked as she walked into the apartment block.


"Here we go, one computer core that had been stolen from my workplace, that I probably got caught doing."

"You said you could handle it." Danika shrugged as she grasped the core.

"New surveillance cameras were installed. I forgot about those but it was still manageable." Trey shrugged back. Danika looked at him.

"...Are you mocking me?" She questioned.

"No." He smirked.

"I have a robot at my house and I can get it to come down and bitch slap that sorry smirk off that ugly mug of yours."

"Depends if I agree with the assumption or not." Ultron piped.

"Who was that?" Trey asked as he heard Ultron's voice.

"Oh. My a.i. Say hello to Mr. Glittersparkle!"

"What the- nevermind. But the fact that you've got a robot at your house, did you create it?"

"Uh, yes." Trey raised a brow before confirming his suspicions.

"You're lying."

"I am not!" Danika remarked.

"You are lying Danika Harvey. I've known you since pre-school and I know when you're lying."

"He is right," Ultron half chortled, "Your deceiving skills are deplorable."

"Such up, Glittersparkle." I said. Trey just snorted.

"Come on, tell me. I deserve to know after almost losing my job and possibly my freedom in one day to get that thing for you."

"Don't you dare," Ultron growled.

"Okay fine." Danika surrendered. "It's an old STARK robot I found in my property." She waited for an explosion of shock, jealousy, and excitement all wrapped up in one from this dude.

But it never came.

"You're being serious..." Trey spoke. Danika nodded vigorously. She brought out her phone and went into her pictures.

"See! That's the robot I found.!" Danika showed in a rush. Then he flicked over to the emblem. "And that's Tony Stark's company logo. It's legit!"

"Wow." Trey exhaled. "I'm impressed."

"Yep, so am I. Which is why I need to go home new and replace the old core with this new one."

"Fair enough. No hugs and kisses goodbye Dani?"

"Trey Jesse Adam Gordan! You both have a boyfriend and are married!"


//I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Oh and, please comment your opinion of the chapter, and if do you want more, vote the chapter as well. I'm aiming for at least five votes for the next chapter to be published.- :0)//

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