No Leads

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//I still need to add more furhter ahead but here you go!//

"Where could she have gone?" Amelia stressed as she walked around the lab.

"Haven't you tried her house?" Bruce tried.

"Called Marie, she wasn't there anymore."

"Why would she run off like that?" Tony questioned. Natasha and Clint shrugged.

"Maybe," Beuce began, "Maybe because that she didn't know Marie worked here."

"The girl's bound to have trust issues now after all of that." Tony snorted.

"You don't say..." Steve muttered. "Any leads on Ultron?"

"His whereabouts were lost about two weeks ago." Nat informed.

"And no lead on what he's doing?"

"None at all." Clint added.

"Okay! I need fresh air." Danika announced as she dropped the welder. "I'm gonna go nuts if I don't take a break."

"I think its a bit too late for that." Ultron claimed as he continued on with his slowly coming together metal body.

"I'll be back in a bit." Danika had said before opening the heavy metal door. Cold air blasted into her face before it died down to subtle winds.

When she closed it behind her, Danika inhaled taking deep breaths. She exhaled as she stretched her limbs, admiring the view she was surrounded by.

"Two weeks, Danika." She mumbled to herself. Two weeks since she and Ultron had left her home. A whole two months since she found Ultron by the lake.

She grasped the pendant that hung around her neck. Her gift from Ultron. She ran her thumb over the jewel, feeling the cut edges of the tiny blue crystal.

A smile crawled onto her face as it slowly surfaced from underneath. She sighed.

What a lovely situation she was in.

With none other than someone who's a criminal of the Avengers.

Danika thought someone, not something. This is because she was absolutely sure that if she could make a human body for Ultron, the personality wouldn't be different as he still showed emotion, even though, it could be fake.


Danika whipped her head around to the direction of the noise. And that noise was followed by a very loud curse.

Danika raced inside and down the stairs before seeing a very angry Ultron kick a machine part to the side.

"What happened?!" Danika freaked.

"For some reason one of the machine's fell apart. The rust had gotten to it and now a portion of the metal is bent."

"Shit." She hissed to herself. The metal was all bent at the exact same place. The machinery scattered on top of it made it look like it had been here for a long time. "This metal is pointless!" She huffed, and kicked it with her shoe.

Only then when she started her action, did she realise this was metal she'd be kicking.

Only then did she realise that she wouldn't be able to stop herself. Expecting pain she braced for impact and the sound of crushed bone against the thick metal...


But nothing came.

"Danika, look." Danika had opened her eyes from the command and gasp as she saw a puddle of silver hued metal on the dirty concrete.

"What happened?" She awed. "My eyes were closed."

"As soon as you touched it, it changed its particle structure."

"What!?" She gasped. "You touch it then."

"I don't want to touch it."

"Touch it!"



"No, I won't Danika Harvey!" Ultron would've protested more, but the expression on Danika's face was not one you'd ever want to see.

Calm rage.

"Fine!" Ultron huffed. "I don't see why you are making a big deal out of it anyway." He grumbled.

He bent down and reached for the puddle, but as the tips of his fingers lightly grazed the reflective surface, the once large and beautiful puddle into a frightening form of destruction.

Metal tearing metal as spikes protruded from the liquified substance almost as fast as the speed of light. A scream from Danika sounded as she stumbled back in a frightened state whilst Ultron panicked and stared at his arm.

Or lack of.

"What the fuck?!" Danika screamed, eyes wide and hands covering her mouth.

"It ripped my entire arm off Danika." He said in a calm manner.

"IT SHREDDED IT!" She shouted, heart racing and in disbelief. "Why would Amelia give this to me?!" She walked towards Ultron "There's practically no debris le-" Her eyes widened further apart. How was it even possible?

The terrifying metal slowly spilled into its prior form, no sign of the vibranium. She raised a brow.

"Hold on a sec..." She mumbled as she walked away.

A rusting desk lamp was laid in a pile of all the other worthless crap they had found when cleaning up. Danika picked it up and walked back over next to Ultron.

"What are you doing with that?" Ultron questioned.

"I think..." Danika chucked it into the fluid, and watched as it almost melted into the puddle itself.

"The machine didn't fall apart from rust." She gasped, little above a whisper. "The blank metal ate it up."

"Is there any earth metal that can do it?" He inquired. Danika shook her head.

"Only a metal foam, and from what I've researched it's usually a compound, not a molecule type." Danika. "Hope it won't pulverize this floor." A chuckle escaped from Ultron.

"It hasn't so far."

To Obtain A Monster (DISCONTINUED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz