We Need to Leave

415 22 29

  // Here's your gift. Now the count is two. Though seriously this'll go on hiatus after.//

  For the entire time since Danika had gotten home, she'd been packing. Clothes, technology, food, mostly confectionaries. But she had also been packing essentials and all her work on terabyte hard drives.

This lasted until Ultron came back around four.

He didn't asked, but he wanted to know. When he saw Danika sitting at her desk wth her head in her hands, he knew something was wrong.

"Are you okay Danika?" He asked, concerned and worried. Danika took a deep breath before she faced him.

"We need to leave."

"And why is that?" He half laughed, though when he saw her expression, he knew this wasn't a laughing matter.

"Both Marie and Amelia work for the Avengers, and whilst I was there I saw pin-points on a map of locations as to where you could be."

"What? You found all of that out within these past hours?"

"Correct." Danika stood from her chair, and looked around the room to see if everything was either, in their place; or turned off permenantly.

"We are not safe here anymore. You, are not safe here. I wont let them find you or get to you."

"You don't have to worry about me, nor defend me." Ultron said, standing tall, towering over me like always.

"Yes, but I choose to." Danika sighed. Her eyes darted around her room, making sure that everything she needed was packed. "Where's the closest hideout you have?" She asked.

"28 miles west from here." Ultron answered. Good.

"Let's go then." She said, and grabbed two of her four duffle bags. "You can take the other two." She added. Utron did that exactly and they walked out of the house to her car. The bags were packed in the boot and they took off, heading to Ultron's hideout.

"Is the metal already there?" Danika questioned. Ultron nods. "Even better." She mumbled.

"How long do you plan to hide from them?" Ultron had asked. "They'll find you like they did with me."

"I'll find ways to avoid them whenever neccesary." Danika said. Her phone vibrated from her pocket and she almost jumped as she steered. "Shit." She mumbled, and pulled her phone out of her pocket. She turned it off and placed it in the glove box.

And whilst all of this happened, Ultron had come up with a plan. Danika was now in a state that hiding was obligatory for her survival. With both his and her own skills, they could make the world fall to their knees. The only difference is that Ultorn now had Danika by his side. A companion a...

A lover.

It felt weird in his mind, but he had to confirm it because there was no other way to look at it. Danika was his, to protect, to care for.

"Ultron, you alright?" Danika's vioce lulled him back to reality, away from his processed thoughts.

"Yes, yes I am." He answered honestly. Danika didn't urged the conversation to further continue, and they continued on in silence.


There was one word to overall confirm Danika's reaction.


Danika was amazed with the underground hideout, with robot bodies still in need of repairing or manufactor completion. It was dark yes, when they first came in, but when the lights were turned on, it revealed a largely spacious playground, one that was every mechanic's dream.

"This place is huge!" DAnika exclaimed as she walked around looking at high-tech equipment and materials.

"Impressive, yes." Ultron chuckled. He liked seeing Danika happy, especially when it was about something she loved.

Though despite that, it looked like it hadn't run since Ultron's 'death'. It was dusty, and it looked like pipes had leaked and furtniture was ageing-.

Wait, what?

"OH my gosh there's a bed here!" Danika squealed as she ran towards it. She jumped onto the plastic covered bed and squirmed around. "It's bigger than my one at ho-." She stopped herself and looked at Ultron. Then grinned.

"We need to get this place fixed up right away." She said.

"I couldn't have agreed more." Ultron smirked. "I'll start up the machinery and begin manufactoring more robots."

"Can they not look the same as you please?" Danika whined. "I'll get confused."

"It wont matter in the end, but okay." He sighed. Within one pull of a lever, sounds of mechanical whirr and clicking erupted like a blissful melody. Lights flashed and blinked and turned blue. Machines fired up and rose from their almost three year slumber, and robots that were already completed, lifted themselves from their positions on the concrete ground.

"Fix, we'll get this place cleaned up an in great condition before we begiin producing anything else." Ultron began. "The blank metal is stacked over there in that corner." He informed as he pointed to the said direction to let Danika know. As soon as Danika placed her bags on the bed, they immediately went to work.

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