Where to go?

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Danika didn't know where to go. It was that obvious as she drove on in her car. The uncanny silence that lingered tortured her, as her thoughts were louder than anything she knew of.

How did she let herself fall in love with him?

She sighed, feeling hurt and miserable as she stared at the road. She tapped her finger on the steering wheel in frustration as the insult replayed in her head.

Mere human. She pursed her lips, a sour expression if anyone saw.

Mere human. Her cheeks went red in anger, brightening as her temper extended all new highs.

Mere human. Tears that were building up threatened to fall and stain her cheeks as it repeated again and again and again.

She wasn't offended by then that she was called a mere human. Infact, the reason why she was crying well...

Was because she wasn't human.

She knew nothing but the fact that she was created by- what was it again? Aliens? Danika for all she knew could've been lied to just so the government could cover their tracks, afterall, Marie-Anne worked for SHIELD, and SHIELD worked for the government.

She sighed again and wiped the tears away with the sleeve of her jumper.

She hadn't realised until then that she was driving back into the city. She didn't mind though. She no longer cared. Or at least at the moment she didn't. Her head was cloudy, and didn't process much until long after something she pointed out had occurred.

Just like with that lone motorcyclist.

Wait, what?

Danika whipped her head back, then faced forward again when she almost swerved off the road. She tried to gain sight of it in her side mirror, and there it was far behind her turning around to follow.

A screeched had erupted by the tires of the motorcycle which had surprised Danika and concerned her.

It freaked her out actually.

They were speeding up, the cue for her to speed up too.

But they were gaining on her.

"What the fuck..." She mumbled. 

Danika saw the tips of the tallest skyscrapers peek out from the horizon, sweet indication that she was getting closer to safety. She sighed with relief but the chase wasn't over yet.

Danika has almost swerved the car when the motorcycle rider zoomed right past her on the other side of the car. Within three seconds, the unknown biker pulled into the lane in front of her, pulled out a gun and aimed at her car.


Danika swore as she tried to control the car when it went berserk. The biker had burst one of her tires and now the car was going out of control. Danika thought she could hear the trigger released before the bullet pierced the rubber of the front tire. The car launched off the road and collided with a tree landing on the rooftop of the car.

Danika winced as she tensed from the sudden impact. Her neck crooked with the roof caved in and her back hurting from the position and gravity. The faint rev of a vehicle sounded louder and louder, as it got closer and closer...

"Far out why?" She mumbled as she struggled to climb out of the wrecked car. With twists and turns of contortions with her body, she was slowly making it out. She was only half way when she smelled something awfully familiar...


Danika scrambled away from the car as fast as she could. Danika stumbled once or twice before an explosion erupted and she was propelled by the force of the blast onto the ground, laying on her stomach, and most painfully her face.

"Ow..." She winced, instinctively pushing herself up and reachering to her face. As she carefully applied pressure to areas of her face, muscle throbbed beneath her skin. Bruises were definitely going to show up later.


"Please don't do anything irrational."
Danika widened her eyes as she felt the tip of the gun touch her head.
"Clint?" Her voice shook. "Why?"
"Why did you hide Ultron from us?"
"How do you know?" She gasped.
"A man named Tray Gordan informed us this morning of such."


That little git.

"That flap slapper." She huffed.
"Stand up Danika." Clint ordered.
"Can you get that thing away from my head?" Instantly the gun shifted and Clint walked around to face her, the weapon still pointing at her.

Danika stood with her hands up. Handcuffs were secured around her wrists and was lead to the motorcycle.
"What will happen to me?" Danika asked.
"It depends on what Fury decides."

To Obtain A Monster (DISCONTINUED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant