"Chloe, I'm going to go get something to drink!" I yell over the music. She nods and keeps dancing. I walk back over to the bar. "I'll take some water please." The bartender gives me a disapproving look and hands me a bottle of water. What, I don't like alcohol. I would think that would be something that people would respect, but I guess they just see me as a child or something. It's unfortunate that we live in a world where we frown upon people who don't want to do something unhealthy. Max, this is no time to be thinking about that stuff. I need to celebrate, and relax a little. I sit down and open the bottle of water. I take a drink and see Chloe walking over. "You didn't stay out there for too long." I tease.

"Neither did you." She responds.

"Well, I got thirsty. See?" I point go the water.

"Really, water? That's pretty lame Max." She sits down next to me. "You need a beer to loosen up a little. Speaking of beer, I'll take another one." Chloe says to the bartender. He hands her the beer and Chloe pulls out some money. "There's a little extra in there for that water." Oh shit, I guess I didn't pay for the water.

"How did you know I didn't pay?" I ask.

"Well, I know you're super stressed, and when you're super stressed, you tend to forget things, or at least that's what you did when we were younger." She opens the beer and takes a big drink from it. I'm no expert on getting drunk, but I'm pretty sure that the faster you drink, the faster you'll get drunk.

"Maybe you should slow down Chloe." I say while she's taking another big drink.

"Maybe I want to get drunk." She jokes, but I think there's some truth to that. She finishes the beer and sets the empty green bottle onto the bar counter.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"I'm feeling pretty buzzed, Maximus." That's what I was worried about. The bartender pulls out another beer for Chloe.

"Chloe, I don't know. I think you've had enough." She ignores what I said and gets some money out of her pocket to give to the bartender. They trade what they have and Chloe opens up her new beer. She starts to drink out of it.

"Just don't throw up in-" I jump as I feel something on my ass. I turn around and see a tall, muscular blonde guy with his hand on my ass. "Hey, what the hell?!" I yell.

"You, me, my place. What do you say?" He asks. Chloe stops drinking and stands up.

"Get your hand off of my friend, you fucking perv!" She yells. He stares at Chloe.

"Hey, you stay outta this bitch!" He says.

"Max, move." She says.

"W-why?" I ask meekly.

"Just move." I step out of the way and move behind Chloe. She puts her beer down, still keeping eye contact with this guy. She pulls her arm back and launches her fist into his face. He bends over and holds his nose. Chloe looks at her fist and rubs it a little. There's blood all over it.

"Jesus Chloe!" I yell. She grabs my hand and we run out of the nightclub and around a corner into an empty alleyway. She starts to laugh.

"That was fucking awesome! Did you see the way I broke that dude's nose?"

"That was so reckless! He could have really hurt you!"

"You seem to be forgetting that you can rewind time."

"I don't want to waste it. I don't know if I'll have this power forever." She pulls out her cigarette pack and a lighter. She takes one out and lights it. "How's your hand?" I ask.

"It kinda hurts, but I think the adrenaline is masking some of the pain, and probably the fact that I'm drunk too." I open the water bottle and pour the water on Chloe's hand. She wipes the blood off and drys her hands off on her jeans. "You wanna get outta here?" She asks.

"Sure." We walk over to the truck and Chloe hands me the keys.

"Maybe-maybe you should drive." She stutters. I unlock the truck and I get in the drivers seat. Chloe makes her way into the passenger side. I look at Chloe, who is staring at me intensely. She slowly starts to lean into my face. Is Chloe trying to kiss me?!

If you kiss Chloe, go to Chapter 23
If you lean away from Chloe, go to Chapter 24

Afterwards: A Life Is Strange Fan-Fiction <A Choice Story>Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora