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I throw my fist into a nearby wall after seeing yet another note. It's comforting knowing that Camila is now a member of the pack but it doesn't do much to protect her. Except maybe she can link any pack member if she's in trouble, but the notes still come. They used to come every week, now they come everyday. Saying the same thing, making the same threats, warning us.

Now with a pup on the way, I have more to lose. Not that Camila wasn't important to me before she was carrying my pup, but now I could lose the love of my life and my child.

The hunters need to be dealt with, but how? I have no information on them, and know nothing except that they hate coyotes. I don't even know if they're human or not.


I run my hands through my hair, pulling the edges.

I need to fix this, and soon.

"Marshall!" I call for my beta, who comes in my office shortly after I call him.

"Yes Alpha?" The beta is a tall lean man, lanky but strong. A lot stronger than he looks.

"Get me information on The werecoyote hate group" I say in a strained voice. I haven't slept in days because I have been constantly reading and re-reading the notes they've sent me, analyzing the pictures. I refused to ask for help until now.

"Yes sir" he answers before exiting the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts again.

It's someone inside the pack, but who?

A knock at my door interrupts my thoughts.

"Enter" I groan. I should really get some rest.

I am surprised to see a certain blonde enter my office. "Lia? What are you doing here?" She stomps all the way towards my desk and slams her hands down on the top of it.

"Derek, I think you know why I'm here" her face is turning red. "I thought you said you would hold off making her the official Luna, until she was a bit more experienced or qualified, not when she got knocked up and shamed for it!" She yells.

"This has nothing to do with Camila getting pregnant, Lia. You should have known the moment I found my mate I would make her Luna. I only was with you to honor my father's wishes. Plus, I don't think about you that way. Sure, you're a close friend, but all my feelings for you are platonic and non-romantic" I reason.

"I was one step away from being Luna Derek! One. Step. Away. But then Camila came and ruined everything! I'm the rightful Luna! Not her!" My wolf does not appreciate Lia talking about my mate like this and I try my best to keep him down.

"Lia, my mate is the rightful Luna, not you!" The voice of my wolf comes out, he is in full control.

"Oh! I'm so scared! Big bad wolf Cain is out! Better call the kennel!" She says in mock fear. "I don't give a fuck about your mate" her words take both Caine and I by surprise, I take over.

"What? Camila is your best friend!" She rolls her eyes at me.

"I never considered her a friend, it was all an act, god you are so stupid" she confesses, crossing her arms over her chest. "You go at tell you're little mate to watch out, I am going to be Luna, whether you like it or not" and with that she leaves.

*Camila, come here* I growl through the link, she doesn't answer but comes shortly after.

"What?" She asks, seeming a bit annoyed. Why? I'll never know.

"I want you to stay away from Lia" I use my Alpha voice, probably not the best idea but my possessiveness got the best of me.

"And why should I do that?" She asks, crossing her arms over her chest, reminding me of Lia.

I think about telling her the truth but, what she doesn't know won't kill her. Hopefully.

Lia is one of her only friends, and I don't think she will take it well if I told her she betrayed her. Plus, I don't think she will believe me.

After thinking about it, I eventually go with "because I said so"

Probably not the best idea. I learn that in about two seconds when her hand strikes my cheek, causing my head to be whipped to the side.

Never underestimate a hormonal werecoyote. I'll remember that next time.

"You don't get to tell me what to do! I'm Luna, which means I am your equal" man, her being all alpha female and shit really turns me on. I feel Cain wanting to take over, so I let him.

He automatically grabs her by the ass and pulls her flush against us, making it harder to ignore our friend downstairs,

Before she can protest, he pulls her lips to ours. Her mind may be telling us no but her body is telling us yes.

She instantly reacts, snaking her arms around our neck, her fingers in our hair. Cain takes advantage of the moment and brings her legs up, wrapping them around our waist while still firmly holding her ass. He sits her down on the desk, separating our lips only to remove her shirt. She does the same to us, her hands trailing against my bare skin.

"This wasn't supposed to go this way" she whispers.

"Oh well" I reply. The pile of clothes on the ground grows and by the end of the day, I am thankful I decided to get sound-proof walls.

I am sure to leave a large tip for the cleaning lady due to the current state of my office.

I know it will be harder to focus in here now, with Camila on my mind and probably every other surface in the office.

I will be working hard from now on and work won't be the only thing that I'll be doing in here.
This was almost a full fledged heated chapter but I backed out to make it more PG. 🤷🏽‍♀️

I hope you enjoyed!

Till next time.


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