Three-Not bad

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"Alpha! Alpha!" A squeaky voice wakes me with a start

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"Alpha! Alpha!" A squeaky voice wakes me with a start.

"Fuck off!" I hear a deep, husky voice behind me.

I turn around to find Derek beside me in bed.

*that was rude* I shun him through the mind link.

*do I look like I care?* he snaps back, raising his eyebrows in question. I only roll my eyes at him and get out of bed, but suddenly I feel cold. I look down and scream, using my arms to shield my body. I was only wearing my underwear.

"Oh come on, I'll see it sooner or later!" Derek whines. I flash my canines at him but it does the opposite of what I want.

His eyes turn black as his wolf's horny self takes over.

"Have I ever told you that I think it's so hot when you growl like that" I give him an incredulous look, still shielding myself. "It gets me so...excited...if you know what I mean." He quirks an eyebrow, as he glances down. Trust me, I know what he means by just one glance.

"you perv!" I slap him across the face and scurry off to the shower.
Once I get out of the shower, dressed and all, I open the door and scream at a blonde girl on the bed.

"Ohmygod," I say, clutching my chest. "You scared me!"

"Oops," She says, I realize she was the one who tried to wake Derek up earlier. "I'm Lia, a warrior of this pack, one of the head ones actually." She says in a bored tone.

"That's cool."

"Thanks." She flashes me a genuine smile and I quickly return one. "Sorry about Derek earlier..."

"Don't worry about it" she says with a wave of her hand, "so I hear you're a werecoyote?" she says, raising her eyebrows at me.

"Yep," I say, popping the p.

"So you're like the last one? Ever?" She asks.

"Yep," I say, once again.

"So like what are your weaknesses?" Her eyes almost pop out of their sockets.

"Um..." the question seems suspicious but I brush it off. "Same as any other wolf," I say with a small smile.

She opens her mouth to say something but is interrupted by Derek barging through the door.

"Let's go." He says as he takes me by my arm, tingles erupting from the contact, and pulls me out the door.
I slam my locker closed and jump when I see a girl standing right by me.

"Hey, you must be Camila," she says with a small smile.

"Yep, and you are?" I ask.

"Oh I'm Camilla also, but it's spelled and pronounced differently. I'm new here and some girls pointed at you because we have the same name." Hm.

"Oh okay..." I say awkwardly. "What's your first subject?"

"Math." She groans.

"Hey me too." I give her a small smile. "Let's walk together." She nods at me and we begin to walk towards the math class. Suddenly, a hand locks around my waist and I jump.

"What the hell Derek! You scared me!" I whisper-yell at him. He shrugs his shoulders and I roll my eyes at him.

I quickly move my waist so he lets go of me and grab Camilla's hand, quickly running to math class. I hear a low growl behind me and choose to ignore it.

"You can sit by me, Camilla."

"Please, call me Cami" she smiles.
It's been months now, school is almost over. I know, quick right? Cami and I are the bestest of friends.

Lia, Cami, and I are the trio of the school. Inseparable.

Today, we got our caps and gowns. It all seems so surreal. I'm finally leaving this dump, but I'm sad to not spend the school days with Lia and Cami. It's going to be so different.

"Camila." I turn around and spot Antonio. My face brightens up and I run to him crying. He quickly pulls me into a hug.

"I miss you so much!" I say, crying into his shirt. I'm about to say more but am interrupted by Derek's thoughts.

*what did the rogues say they want?* suddenly I am seeing out of his eyes, not mine. He is looking at the pack beta.

*they're a coyote hunting group, they believe werewolves should be the only superior species. They want your mate.* I gasp, seeing through my own eyes again. Usually, I try to avoid Derek at all costs but now I run to him.

They wanted her. They wanted my mate. I've been getting pictures of her for weeks now, doing ordinary things, having fun with Camilla. But in all the pictures it had the same red X over her face with a note like 'watch out' or 'she's next'.

I already knew the stuff my beta told me. He just confirmed my suspicions.

I'm sitting at my desk, examining the pictures when Camila bursts through the door. I quickly stash them away.

"What's going on? Why did I just find out about this? And you didn't even tell me!" She yells, her face red, pointing an accusing finger at me.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I mock cluelessness. Apparently, I'm not good at it.

"Oh don't you dare play dumb Derek!" She yells.

"Okay! Fine!" I surrender, blocking my ears from her harsh words. She calls me multiple names in Spanish. All I can do is just sit there and take the hit.

"Someone inside the pack is out to get you, we don't know who, just that they are a spy for the anti-werecoyote group," I explain.

She thinks about this for a minute, goes to say something, but then closes her mouth again.

"Let me train." She commands.


"Why not?"

"I can't let you get hurt." She scoffs.

"You scared your baby making machine is gonna get hurt?" She crosses her arms over her chest.

"Yep." I bluntly say it was true.

Before I know it, she is across the room. Catching me off guard she grabs me by my shirt and slams me hard on the ground. Her eyes glow blue and she snarls at me.

"Not bad" I chuckle. It's almost cute.

"Hey! I heard that!" She says, slapping me across the face.

"Alright fine, I guess you can train." I sigh. Her eyes light up and she claps her hands together.

"Ooh thank you so much!" I swear this girl is bipolar or something. She squeals with excitement as she kisses me on the cheek. She pulls back with wide eyes, realizing what she had done. I only laugh and pull her back in, her canines disappear as our lips meet.
Hah, this is not the best but at least I tried. I swear things will clear up and stuff. You'll just have to be patient. Well adiós!

(Lia and Camilla are inspired by real people, I hope you know who you are *wink*)

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