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I slap Derek's arm once the doctor leaves the room

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I slap Derek's arm once the doctor leaves the room.

"Fuck you!" He looks at me, not affected by my useless slap at all. He raises his eyebrow as a small smirk grows on his lips.

"You already did sweetheart" He says in a low, husky voice. I groan and roll my eyes.

"I just got my life together Derek! I can't have a baby, I'm too young" I protest.

"Well what do you want me to do about it? You kind of have to have it" He sighs. I raise my eyebrow hinting there is another way.

"NO! No way!" He yells, his eyes darkening making it clear that his wolf wants to take over. I hear mine whimper in my head, she already loves our pup.

"Fine, whatever" I sigh, exiting the room. To my dismay, Derek follows me out.

"Why are you standing so close to me?" I say, feeling his breath on my neck, sending shivers throughout my body.

"Because I have to protect what's mine" He says, wrapping his arms around my stomach from behind.

"Alpha, Luna" a passerby says, lowering his head in respect before hurrying off.

I elbow Derek from behind me, causing him to retract his arms while wincing. I use the oppourtunity to scurry off to the kitchen to find something to eat. Several pack members greet me there as I pull out some things to make myself a sandwich.

After I eat I go upstairs and take a well needed nap.
I wake up in the middle of the night throwing up, once again. Derek holds my hair back when he hears me and rubs my back.

This routine continues throughout the night, leaving me very drained.
"What happened to you?" Camilla ask, entering the kitchen.

"I was up all night" she wiggles her eyebrows. "Throwing up" she immediately stops, looking disgusted.

"Ugh, poor thing" she frowns.

"It's your fault" Lia says, smirking.

"Thanks Lia" I scoff. She chuckles in response.

"Are we the only ones who know?" Camilla asks, resting her chin in her hand, leaning on the counter top.

"Yep, just you, Lia, and Derek know"

"Know what?" I look to see Elena come in. She left the League with Derek and I.

Camilla and Lia look at me, not knowing what to say.

"Um...that I'm pregnant..?" I say, unsure of her reaction.

She squeals and jumps up and down, clapping her hands together.

"Really? Ohhh I'm so excited!" She wraps me in a tight hug. I struggle to breathe. I go to tell her stop but a low growl stops me. Elena immediately lets me go and looks towards Derek, who is narrowing his eyes at her.

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