One-A Coyote?

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"¡Oye! ¡Apurarse!" [hey hurry up] My brother yells in my ear while simultaneously pulling the comforter clean off my bed, leaving me feeling bare and cold

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"¡Oye! ¡Apurarse!" [hey hurry up] My brother yells in my ear while simultaneously pulling the comforter clean off my bed, leaving me feeling bare and cold.

"What the hell Antonio!" I yell at him while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "What was that for?" Antonio only smirks at me.

"We're gonna be late for the first day of senior year! Now get up!" he flicks my forehead.

"Okay fine! Now go." I shoo him away. He's halfway out the door when I mutter "puta" at his back. His head whips back at me.

"What'd you say" he raises an eyebrow in question.

"N-nothing," I say plastering an innocent smile on my face.

"Uh-huh, thought so" he glares at me before leaving. Damn his werewolf hearing.

I hop out of bed and make my way to the shower. I always shower in the morning because it gives me a small burst of energy. (Also because you don't have to have greasy hair during the day because you shower at night)

I step out of the bathroom, letting a cloud of steam exit the door. I quickly blow dry my hair, not wanting to have it wet all day. I put on ripped skinny jeans and my brother's Adidas hoodie that I stole. I go back into the bathroom to sort out my hair. Grabbing the curling rod, I spiral my hair into loose waves. When I'm done, I look at the work of art I managed to style my hair into.

I didn't even need to help you today. You did well. Hale, my coyote, says to me.

Thanks. I smile to myself.

Putting on my white converse, I head down the stairs. My nose is met with a highly intoxicating smell. Migas.

Antonio was always better at cooking than me. Even though we're twins, we couldn't be any more different. Almost polar opposites. For starters, he's a boy, I'm a girl, he's responsible, I'm most definitely not, he's good at cooking, I can't even make cereal, he's the most popular guy at school, I'm just his sister, he's a leader, I'm a follower...and oh yeah, he's a werewolf, I'm a werecoyote.

"Hurry, you can eat in the car" he rushes, scooping the last bit of food into a to-go cup. I run out to the car, keeping my food close to my chest as I hop into the passenger seat. As soon as our carpool is buckled in and ready to go, Antonio heads off.

"Hey Camila, " each one of them says as they enter the car.

"Hey Kai"

"Hey Alex"

"Hey, Asher" I greet them individually. Kai is the beta, the second in command and one of Antonio's closest friends. Alex and Asher are twin head warriors, they train everybody and keep the pack safe. And me, I'm Antonio's biggest secret. The last werecoyote known to the supernatural community, or known to Antonio. Werecoyotes are believed to be extinct to everyone else. No one knows what I really am, people just think I'm another werewolf. Antonio makes sure of this. He never lets me shift when anyone is around and does his best to hide me when I'm angry or sad because if he didn't, people would either see me as a coyote or with the eyes of one. Blue eyes. They hold the truth. So if I were to lose control, like a werewolf, my eyes would flash the color of my being. Antonio's are red because he's an alpha werewolf and everyone else's are gold to show they are beta or warrior werewolves.

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