Eleven-Angry Alphas

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I stop walking.

"You have a brother?" My mouth drops open.

He pauses before he looks back at me.

"Yea?" He says, unsure of my reaction.

"How come you never told me?" I scoff. He just shrugs his shoulder in response and starts walking again. Making me need to jog a little in order to catch up.

Eventually we reach a dark wooden door. Derek takes a deep breath before twisting the knob.

"Brother!" A voice yells from inside. I look to find a slightly younger version of Derek. His frame was narrower and he had a playful glint in his eyes.

I step out of my place behind Derek, much to his dismay, and hear a low whistle coming from Alexander.

His eyes wander my whole body before finally meeting my eyes.

"Damn, whatcha got here Derek?" He gets a growl as a response from Derek.

"I'm Camila, my brother is Alpha Antonio?" I say, Antonio is now third in the pack ranks so most people should know him.

"Ah yes, Antonio" he nods. "Hey why don't we get away from here and have a little fun"

Oh dear god.

Before I get the chance to politely turn him down, Derek punches him across the face, sending him flying backwards.

"Ok ok, now I smell it" Alexander says, holding the side of his face.

"Why are you here Xander?" Derek says in a deathly low voice.

"What? Can't a guy visit his brother?" He throws his arms out in question.

"Not without wanting something, so just spit it out" he narrows his eyes at him.

"Whaaaat? Noooo." He responds, clearly lying.

Jeez how stuck up can theses alphas get? Hale asks.

I know right? I respond, internally rolling my eyes.

"Ok fine, I came here to ask you a favor" Xander admits.

"All the Alphas and Luna's are having a meeting to discuss the..issue" I give a questioning look to both brothers but they seem to be in a mind link battle.

"Where?" Derek askes, scratching his stubble.

"Well, you see, I invited them here..." Xander says, shrinking back, waiting for the inevitable blow.

"You did what" Derek asks, choking on air.

Xander is interrupted by the doorbell ringing.

"I'll get it!" I yell, desperate to get out of the room.

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