First day! Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

It has been a week since the little girl arrived in Konoha, and today she was going to the Academy. She was nervous; she had not really talked to kids her own age before. Jashin, she had barely talked to anyone outside of her brother.

The past week had been daunting. Her brother always told her if this ever happened, she was not allowed to show them her kinjutsu until she was a ninja. It was an insult for her to not show them how she made her art, but it did not mean she could not make her art. She just had to be careful about it.

The Hokage of the village was nice to Emiko, which she was glad for. The girl was happy that she could stay there; she just had to be careful not to explode the village. Dei-Dei was known for that. It was funny how he knew her brother would have taught her how to make things explode. He asked if she could, and she had told him yes as she trusted him. He even asked her to show him her art! Only on a lower level, which was an easy enough feat.

She jumped at the sound of a knock on the door. She made sure she had everything before heading to the door and opening it. She was living on her own, which was strange for the girl, but she would get used to it.

There was a ninja at the door, the one that the Hokage told her would be escorting her to the academy so she would not get lost. The ninja that was taking her to the academy looked… weird.

“Hello! I am Might Guy! But call me Guy! You must be Emiko!” He all but screamed into her face. She screamed at the weirdo and then slammed the door in his face before leaning on the door, breathing hard.

That man scared Emiko if her reaction was anything to go by. Guy was confused by the way she was acting. It was very un-youthful in his eyes. He tried to open the door, but it seemed to be locked or jammed.

“Emiko, open the door. This isn’t very youthful,” he called through the door, and the girl shivered in fright.

“Yelling in my face isn’t very youthful either, yah?” she pointed out, and Guy thought about it.

The Hokage did tell him that the girl might not be used to a lot of people being around her, so maybe she was right. Yelling in her face was a bit too much, but he had thought she would be youthful. Maybe he could help her become more youthful. Yes, that is what he was going to do! He was going to teach her how to be youthful.

“I won’t yell in your face if you open the door again, and I’ll teach you how to bring out your inner youthfulness!” Guy yelled, and she gulped as she looked at the time. She was going to be late if everything kept going like it was.

She took a breath and then put her hand into her bag, her hand mouth appearing. The little girl’s hand mouth ate a bit of clay, and she made a small clay bird. The bird opened its wings, but she quickly made it unanimated. It was just in case he tried to scare her again. Emiko would throw it at him and make it explode with a tiny explosion. More like a big noise, but little power. E1. Emiko’s own type of art. If she was lost or needed someone to go the opposite way from where she was going, she would use it.

She opened the door and looked at the man warily. “You won’t hurt me? Or yell in my face?” she asked him, and he nodded his head. The girl sighed, stepping out of the apartment building, and closed the door.

As they walked, he tried to get her to run, but she just shook her head. Halfway there, she was about ready to throw the E1 at the taijutsu expert, but she held it back.

“Where is your youthfulness?” the green beast almost whined. WHINED! His tone of voice shocked her. Even Dei-Dei only whined when joking or when he was feeling lazy.

Art is Fleeting, My Little Bomber, Un. (A Naruto fanfic!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora