Training Month Starts Now. Chapter 39.

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Dedication goes to the first answerer of the question in question time!!


Chapter 39

I sighed at the sight of the makeshift clay pouch. It had clay in it but it wasn’t the same as the one Dei-Dei gave me.

I got home that night after I woke up in the hospital actually, I made a fuss about being the hospital for too long and they let me out. Ha! Rikku was jealous that I got out and she couldn’t until the next day. When I got home, I had written my letter back to Dei-dei straight away. Telling him all about the exam, and how I’m now in the third exam and about the Iwa-nin and how Rikku and I are now friends again. (AN You’ll see the letter later)

I looked at the time and saw that if I wanted to do the things I need to do before training, I needed to go. So I headed out of my apartment, locking the door and headed out to training ground 8. I saw people passing by me and I waved a few times at the people I knew. I saw the owner of Ichiraku Ramen Teuchi and his daughter Ayame and had a conversation with them. I bought new training weights, heavier than my last ones.

When I finally got to the training grounds the first thing I noticed was that the grounds were similar to the grounds my team and I usually train at, trees surround an empty area and a clear water dam. I knew I was early so I started up training on my own, stretching my limbs and muscles.

I then headed out in a run... maybe I should ask Guy-sensei for Taijutsu training as well. Well, that’s if he wanted to, he might not because Lee is badly injured. I ran around the training ground for a long while, building up my stamina again and getting used to my training weights. I was on my 100th lap when I noticed another person in the area. It must be my sensei.

As I ran past him I called out. “Let me finish up my last lap and I’ll be right with you,” I felt him watch me as I ran my last lap.

By the time I was finished, I was puffing a little. I so haven’t been keeping up as much as I should have been. I looked at my new sensei. He looked at me and then put his hand out.

“Hello, you must be Kakashi-senpai’s student,” he stated and I nodded my head. “I’m Tenzo.” (AN Yes, its Yamato!! But he is using his code name before it was Yamato.)

“Emiko, artist and ninja, hmm,” I informed the man and he nodded his head at me.

“I’m going to be teaching you earth style ninjutsu. However, I can only do this for a week, I’ve got missions to complete,” he explained and I nodded my head, understanding. He is a ninja and I understand that he has other things to do then train a genin.

“That’s fine. I can’t just concentrate on my earth style ninjutsu anyway. I’ve got about one million of things I need to train as well,” I explained to the man and he nodded his head.

“That’s good that you’re not just concentrating on one style of ninja skills. Most genin your age tend to lean towards being a one trick pony,” I snickered at him.

“Right now, I sort of am one,” I pointed out, feeling a little embarrassed about it and he shook his head.

I saw him look at me carefully after. “What Earth ninjutsu do you know?” he asked of me straight off the bat and I blinked once.

I looked up into the air with a thoughtful look on my face. “One really, Earth style, earth wall. But I can make it tall, thick and dense,” I explained to the man and he nodded his head at me. “But then I have a jutsu that can make things heavier, stronger and denser.”

He raised an eye brow at me and I chuckled. I picked up a rock and I did the jutsu on it. Before I tossed it towards the man. He caught it… but nearly fell over from the heaviness of it and the disbelief that it was true.

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