Chapter 13: Nightly Walk Part 1

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The outfit above is just something close, to what you wear in this chapter. Its doesn't have to be what you wear. I was just looking for something, close to your outfit. Your outfit is actually just pants, or skirt (your choice) and some shirt. Since this chapter might take place more outside, the picture is something close to what your jacket looks like, and your shoes, if you want.

Read A/N at bottom please.

F/C= Favorite Color

3rd POV

    A large mirror, with a green light surrounding it, began to rise up. The green light became bright, the more it rose up, filling the dark room in its evil glow. A hooded figure walked up to it, looking straight into the mirror, their hands wrapped in bright green thin rooes. "Show me Y/N Targaryen." A mixture of green and black covered the glass part of the mirror, before showing Y/N Targaryen, with Harry Hook.
    The unknown figure watched, grinding their teeth together. "Looks like I'm gonna have to end Y/N Targaryen," the figure said, reaching into the mirror, and pulling out a spell book. Flipping through the pages, they stopped their search. "Lets see how she handles a little heartbreak." The figure let out a laugh, which echoed through the room, as the green light around the mirror dimmed.


        The next morning, I woke up with my head on Harry's chest, and the sheets wrapped around our bodies. He looked so peaceful, just sleeping. Harry had his arms wrapped around me, keeping me close to him.  "Harry, baby wake up," shaking his shoulder a tiny bit.  He stirred, and pulled me closer to him, sort of like in a hug. "Love, give me a couple more minutes." I let out a small laugh,  and tried waking him up for awhile.  When he finally opened his eyes,  I just smiled at him.  "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." Harry groaned.

   "I'm not a princess," he said as he kissed me. When I pulled away, the lack of air getting to me. "Yeah, you aren't. But, you act like one sometimes," smirking at him. His jaw dropped, as he sat up. "I do not." I sat up, wrapped my arms around him, and rested my head on his shoulder.
    "The way how you walk sometimes, says it all. Now come on, we need to get dressed," getting out of the bed, and looking for a outfit. I pulled out F/C pants, and shirt. After I put on everything I needed on, I took out a F/C coat, and F/C boots.

    I felt Harry wrap his arms around me, and place gentle kisses on my neck. "I love you," he wispeared in my ear, placing another kiss on my neck. "Are you dressed?" Harry rested his chin on my shoulder. "Yes I am, Princess Y/N." I rolled my eyes again. "Really?"
    "Yes." We finally left the room, and headed to the doors, where Adelaide, Jasfeiry where waiting. I had Fenrir stay in the bedroom, but with the door unlocked, just in case.

    "Where are we going?" Looking at the four horses, then back at Adelaide. "We're going to go get Viserys. He's stuck at another palace, and we need to go get him." Harry helped me onto one of the horses, and I went over to Adelaide.
    "How long will that take?"
   "We'll get there by the afternoon. You guys bring Virerys back here, cause I'll probably end up staying at the castle, to have a meeting with the king. I'll be back by tomorrow morning. My guess, if Viserys doesn't act like a goddamn princess, you'll guys be back here...before dinner."

    Harry came up next to me, and I looked over at him. "Who's gonna let Viserys,on their horse?" No one answered, which I just let out a breath. "Harry." "I don't know who he is. He might try to kill me, which is not happening."
     Looking over at Jasfeiry, he just shook his head. "Fine, I'll take him," letting out a annoyed breath. "Alright. Let's go." We took off, people moving out of our way, as we headed through the open gates.

    Adelaide was correct, when we got to the palace. It was the after noon, as we dismounted our horses, and had Jasfeiry watch them, when we went inside. "Lady Salquet, welcome!" King Loashert stood up from his throne, and walked over to Adelaide, bringing her into a hug. "King Loashert. How are you?"
    He let out a laugh, breaking the hug. "I'm doing great," he said, looking over at me and Harry. "And, your friends are?" Adelaide turned around, and introduced us. "This is Harry Hook, and Y/N Targaryen, daughter of Daenerys Targaryen."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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