Chapter 4: All I Need Is A Dragon

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       Two weeks past by, since the day I put Fairy Godmother in her place, with her stupid answers. I have her class again tomorrow, even though I have them everyday, but lately, she hasn't had any questions on the board. She just has me do paper work, and she's quiet the whole time, writing soemthing, at her desk. Hopefully, tomorrow its different, cause I kinda wanna try, another shot at her weird questions.

I was doing homework for Science, when I heard my phone going off. During the time I wasn't busy with classes, I was trying to get used to my phone. There was so much to learn about it, that Mal had to teach me about it, and all. I eventually got the hang of it. Getting up from my desk, I went over to my phone, which was charging. Before, I checked who it was, I did a quick check on the egg. Everything good. It was in its little nest, the afternoon light shining onto it.

I unplugged my phone, and screamed with joy. My mom was calling me, or wanted to face time me. I slid the bottom over, and my mom's face appeared on the screen. She was sitting on her throne, and beautiful as always. "Hi mom!" She had a huge smile, and her eyes were filled with joy. "Y/N, oh my gosh, I miss you so much! How are you doing in school?" I went over to my bed, and sat down. "I'm doing good. It's hard, to control my anger, every now and then." "You haven't killed anyone yet, have you?" I shook my head. "No, but two people pissed me off, and well......."

"Do you want me to send a letter to Adam and Belle? I will if you want me to." I glanced at the egg, and back at the screen. "No, its okay. I'll let you know, when you can, if I really need you to." She nodded her head, a uneasy look on her face. "Are you sure?" "Yes mom, I'm sure." "Okay. Have you made any friends?" I picture the VKs, Ben, and Chad. "Yeah!" "Tell me about them." I told her all about the VKs, Ben, and Chad. I told her about Audrey, and how much of a bitch she is. "That Audrey girl, does sound like a bitch. But, don't worry about her. That Harry kid, sounds like a troublemaker. Is he hot?" "MOM!" She just laughed, making me laugh.

I could feel my face heating up, from her question. "Well, he sounds like he is. I want the hottest guy just for you, so you can make all the girls jealous, while they have shrimpy boys. What about Chad, he sounds like a charm." "Well, his last name is Charming. But, he seems more like a friend to me." In the background, I heard a maid tell my mom, that she had a meeting to go to. "I have to go sweetie, okay. I'll call, or face time, or whatever the fuck its called, later." I nodded. "Love you baby." "Love you too mom." I hanged up, and put my phone back on my charger.

As I do so, I heard a cracking sound, coming from behind me. I turned around, in time to see the baby dragon, poking its head out of its shell. Getting my camera up, on my phone, I let it record, and rest against something. Making sure its at the right angle, getting every moment, I went over to the egg, and got down on my knees. "Hi little one." The dragon started to break more of the egg, till there was a doorway for it to walk out of. I put my palm down, making a bridge for it, and it climbed onto my hand.

I brought it up to my face, and we both looked at each other in the eyes. "You have pretty purple eyes," using my index finger, to gently pet its tiny head. It was all purple, like a mix of dark and light purple.  Azhi spread her wings, and the light behind shined on them, making them look like a very light purple. "Your so beautiful. Your gonna make the girls here, jealous," smiling at her. It was as if she understood me, and did a little roar, in agreement. "When your big, and strong, we're gonna fly everywhere," getting up, and stopped the recording. Another tiny roar. "I love you, Azhi. I hope you love me," going over to my bed, and sitting down. She cuddled into my hand, making me smile.

I carefully placed her down, on my pillow, and quickly cleared my bed off. After I got changed, I did a quick glance at the sunset, then got into bed. Azhi moved closer to me, and fell asleep. "I don't need anybody." I looked at her pretty purple scales, just staring in awe. "I all I need is a dragon, and mom."

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