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3rd POV

Heels clicked against the stone floor, people running around, in a hurry. Shouts were heard down the hall, as the doctor swiftly made her way to the queens room. She stood in front of the door, almost as big as her. Knocking softly, but hard enough so that the people in the room could hear, a come in was granted to her.

"Your highness," as she bowed down, then walked over to the women, who was about to give birth. A few things in a room, including a chair, half the desk, and a mirror, were all broken. The doctor stepped over a pile of the chair, and stood next to the queen.

"Just breath, and it'll be over soon." During the process of having the baby, everyone in the hall all shut up, when they heard the painful cries. No one dared to utter a word, or to move for that matter, until the process was done.
The queen opened her eyes, after hours of overwhelming pain, that cause her to faint. "Where's my child?" She looked at the two maids, that came in the room, after she fainted, to help the doctor.

The queens question was answered, when she heard a cry of a baby, fill the somewhat empty room. Tears of joy, started to fill her tears. The doctor walked over to the queen, a baby cradled in her arms, wrapped in a blanket. She handed the queen her newborn.

The queen, with tears of happiness and joy, slipped down her cheeks. She placed a kiss on the baby's forehead, as the little one looked up at her. "Your Majesty, I have a bit of bad news." The queen looked up at the doctor, a questioning look plastered on her face.

"What is it?" The doctor looked at the two maids, then back at the queen. "Your Highness, you had a C-section." All the queen did was stare ahead. All three of the ladies, started to get a bit worried.

"No more babies! I've already had enough pain, from just having one," she hollered, before pausing to look down at her child, who had begun to cry. One of the maids spoke up. "What are you going to name her?"

"Y/N. Y/N Targaryen."

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