Chapter 5: Azhi Is Her Name, And Fire Is Her Game

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When morning came, I quickly got dressed into a pair of black pants, a black shirt, and a black leather vest. I slipped on a pair of knee high, high heeled boots. I got everything I needed, and put it all in my bag. "Come on Azhi, time for school." She spread her wings, and flew a little above the pillow. Putting my hand under her, she landed on my palm. "Great job. We'll work on it later, okay?" She did a little roar, and a small spit of fire. "Wow, fierce already," bringing my hand up to my shoulder, which she crawled onto, and stayed.

Exiting my room, and locking the door, I made my way to Science class. When I got there, only Chad, Harry, Carlos, Jay, Evie, Mal, Ben, some other kids, Audrey, and the teacher were there. Class didn't start, till after 20 minutes, so I made my way over to my spot. Just as I sat down, Audrey decided to be a bitch, and did her little deafing screech. I heard Azhi hiss in my ear, and I knew she hated Audrey already. "I do too," earning another hiss, in reply.

"Y/N HAS A WEIRD ANIMAL ON HER SHOULDER!" Being called, a weird animal, wouldn't please anybody. If it didn't please anybody, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't please a dragon, cause Azhi hissed again. The teacher stood up, as the kids who were here, looked at me. I saw Chad jump a little, seeing Azhi poke her head out a bit. Harry, if i'm correct, tried to get a better look. Even the teacher, himself, jumped when he saw Azhi. "Took you guys long enough. Thank you Audrey." She stuck her nose in the air, and made a weird sound.

"Smelling the air for something?" She glared at me, as the teacher came over, but didn't get to close. "Y/N, what so that thing, on your shoulder?" Azhi hissed at him, making him do a little screech. I held in a laugh, as the others did too. "It's a dragon." "Why do you have it here. No pets are allo......" I stood up, startling him, and half the people there. Even Chad jumped up, from his chair. "She isn't a pet. If I may say, that in the rules, it doesn't say, if the animal isn't a pet, it still has to leave. Therefore, she can stay, since she isn't my pet."

Audrey put her hands on her hips, and gave me a snotty look. "If 'she' isn't a pet, then what is 'she'." Glaring at her, she closed her eyes, probably not wanting what happened last time, to happen again. "She's my friend." Audrey did a 'ugh' sound. "Everyone knows that a dragon, can't be your friend. Not even a pet. I understand a dog being your friend, but a dragon. Come on, be serious," opening her eyes, looking around the room, trying to get people on her side. "You think that, because you haven't seen, and loved dragons, as long as I have." Audrey walked over to me, standing right in front of me, on the other side of my desk. "How long have you loved these, so called dragons?" She said, with a smirk.

Chad, who was standing next to Jay, said, "Oh shit. Its so going down." I smirked, and stared right into Audrey's eyes. "Ever since I was born." She glared at me, staring into my eyes. I don't know what it was, but something happened, something new or whatever it was. As I stared into Audrey's eyes, a dark black flashed through her eyes, and for some reason, I knew that I had her under some kind of spell. I blinked a couple of times, since a weird feeling started to appear. My finger tips had a weird tingling feeling to them. But, as quick as the feeling was there, it disappeared, like mist.

Audrey almost fell backwards, but she quickly snapped out of it. She was gonna say something, but Azhi hissed, and spit fire, making her shut her mouth. "Well, I guess you can bring...." I looked at the teacher. "Her name is Azhi." "...Azhi, to class. As long as you can focus." I smiled, and nodded. "Thank you sir. I'll focus, don't you worry about anything." He looked a bit on edge, looking from my excited expression, to Azhi, who i'm pretty sure, was glaring at him, from early. "She won't burn anything, will she?" I shrugged one shoulder. "Depends if she's pissed off, or not."

He looked like he regretted, what he said earlier about Azhi. She hissed, and spit a bit of fire, making him jump, and quickly walked back to the front of the class. I sat back down in my chair, helping Azhi off my shoulder, and onto the table. Chad came over, and sat down in his chair, and looked at Azhi, who looked back him, tilting her head. "This is real, fire breathing dragon. I can'T believe it." I gently petted Azhi head, and she closed her eyes, showing that she liked it.

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