Chapter 6: Class Plans

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      When my friends got to the class, the teacher, Mrs.Saggytits, Azhi named her, gave us new seats. The big mistake, is that she placed me, and the VKs all together. Even bigger mistake, was letting us work together. 'You called them your friends,' Azhi pointed out. 'I know. I did the same thing awhile ago, when I was talking to mom.' 'Look who is sitting next to you.' Turned my head to look, and see Harry taken off his coat, and putting it on the back of his chair. 'So, those muscles Y/N. What do you think of them.' 'Really,' looking down at her, since she was on my desk. 'I"M TRYING TO CHANGE YOUR MIND ABOUT HIM! BE GRACEFUL!'

She hissed at me, not in a hating way, but a 'I'm done with you', sort of way. 'Your lucky, that I love you.' She let out a tiny roar. Mal and Ben, sat across from me and Harry. Evie and Jay next to them, and Carlos at the end. When the teacher came over, with our work, she jumped a little at the sight of Azhi. Probably because Azhi, was doing a little growl, showing her teeth. 'Azhi, do that when there's a test,' getting Azhi to stop. Mrs.Saggytits gave us our work, and continued. "Y/N, all five of us, were wondering, during winter break, if we can come and stay at your castle?" I look at Harry, and think it over. 

"I guess, but there are a few dangers, where I live." Jay just laughed. "Dangers? Y/N, you been making your place, sound like heaven. What dangers could there be?" I gave him a serious look. "White Walkers." Everyone had a confused look. "They come out during the winter, and if they see you, they will kill you in a sec. That is, if you don't have any weapons." Evie's face went pale, as snow. Everyone looked as if they were thinking. "During the winter, my mom closes the gates early.  But, I don't want risks, if they end up freezing, and the gates won't close. I wouldn't be able, to see any of you guys getting hurt." 

Jay spoke up. "Please Y/N. We don't want to spend another winter here, stuck inside. We also want to see the dragons, you've been talking about." Carlos butted in. "We'll take the blame, if we get killed." We all looked at him, confused. Even Azhi looked at him, wondering what the fuck he just said, made sense to him. "What?" "How would you take the blame, if you get killed?" I asked, trying to get it through his head. "Oh...," was all he said, looking at all of us.

"I guess, I can let you guys come over. But, all of you will stay inside, unless me and my mom, bring you to see the dragons. Clear." They all agreed to it. "Thank you love," Harry said, resting his head on my shoulder. "Your welcome Harry," looking at him, when he sat up. He looked at me, and smiled. I returned it, by smiling back. Looking back at my paper, I saw Azhi looking at me. 'What?' "You totally like him...maybe even love him.' I rolled my eyes. 'You wish.' 'I am.'

Class was soon over, and the rest of the day went by. At the end of the day, I went back to my room, and helped Azhi with her flying. She's been getting better, but I want her to try to actually fly. 'Ready Azhi?' 'Ready. Just like how I'm ready, for you and Harry to start dating.' 'Just go.' She was on top of my dresser, thanks to me helping her. Azhi prepared herself, spread out her wings, and head dived towards the floor. Just before she hit the ground, she went right back up. "YOUR DOING IT AZHI!" I watched her soar around my room, her wings flapping.

She flew over to me, and hovered right in front of my face. 'I did!' 'Yes, you did.' She did a back flip. 'If I could do that, that means I can get you, to change your mind about Harry.' Having enough of it, I said something that I wished I didn't say, right after it was out. 'If he asks me out, and I say yes, just to give him a chance, will you stop.' Fuck. 'YES!' 'I hate my life,' as I watched Azhi fly around my room, cheering.

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