Chapter 2: Settling In At Auradon

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     They weren't wrong, when it took a few days, to get to Auradon. I had some of the candy, that was on the shelves, but mostly stayed in the back of the limo. Adam and Belle were trying to start some conversations, with me, and not trying to be rude, I just stayed quiet. At some point, they finally stopped trying to talk to me, and just talked to each other. While they were busy talking among each other, I opened my bag, that was on my lap. I moved some of the clothes away, so I could see the egg. Brushing my fingertip across its scaly shell, I just admired it.

It's black shell, would show a bit of red mixed in, whenever the sunlight shined onto it. I couldn't wait to see the dragon, when it hatched.

A few days passed, and finally we got to Auradon. Adam, and Belle, got out first, then I did. I stared up at the building in awe. A women, with a very bad hairdo, walked up to me, holing her hand out. I just stared at her, confused. Belle whispered something in her ear, which she nodded her head to, then she bowed. I bowed back. "Welcome to Auradon Prep, Princess Y/N." My eyes darted around, looking at the trees, the building, just everything. "Thank you," remembering my manners. "I'm Fairy Godmother." Behind her, five kids came running up to us. "Sorry we're late, Fairy Godmother. Carlos decided to stop, and get something to eat," the purple haired girl, state, sending a glare towards a white haired boy. "I did not," he shot back at her.

"These late teenagers, will be showing you around," then she started introducing each of them. "This Mal," pointing to the purple haired girl. "Evie," blue haired girl. "Hi," she started to stand on her tippy toes, a huge smile on her face, but Mal told her to calm down. "As you know, thanks to Mal, this is Carlos," pointing to the white haired boy, who was about to secretly take a bite out of a apple, but quickly hid it behind his back. "This is Jay," pointing to a long, brown haired boy. He smiled, and winked at me. I rolled my eyes, making his smile disappear. "And, this is Harry," pointing to the very last kid. 

He had light blue eyes, almost the same color as Locasta, one of my moms dragons. His hair was a dark brown, and it somewhat covered his eyes, but not quite. He sent me a smile, which just turned into a grin. I looked away. "You'll be meeting King Ben later, he's just busy, trying to get everything ready for the school year. If you have any questions, or need help, you can come to me, either King Adam, or Queen Belle. You can go to King Ben, or one of them," which I knew she was talking about, the five kids that stood there, waiting for her to leave.

She turned to them, giving them a serious look. "Please look out for her. Y/N, here, hasn't been to a school, like everyone here. She's been home schooled. Mal, meet me in Ben's office later, along with you Evie. There's just something important, that I need to tell you two, and Ben." The two girls nodded, their heads, both mumbling a okay. "You all know what to do," she turned, to look at me. "Y/N, good luck here at Auradon Prep." She looked at all of us, and finally walked off. 

"Your lucky, we didn't get in trouble, for being late Carlos." Carlos walked over to Mal, bucking one hip out, placing a hand down, and trying to act like a girl. "Girl, like you would have done something," flipping the little side bang he had. "If I had my spell book, I would have," she threatened. Carlos stopped with the sass, as Evie practically came bouncing over to me, on her toes. "I'm so glad to meet you. Your clothes, are so pretty. You have really good taste," as she examined my shirt, and jeans. "Um...thanks," not really knowing what to say. "My mother is the Evil Queen." I gave her a confused look. 

"Never heard of her." Evie's smile went away, as her lips went into a straight line, pressing them together. "Maleficent?" I shook my head. "Jafar?" I didn't reply, or move. "Cruella De Vil?" I started to shift, from one foot, to the other. "Captain Hook?" I finally caught on, as to why she was naming these certain people. They were their parents. Not including her mom, since she already told me, but I guessed who was the kid of this, so called Captain Hook. My eyes darted over to Harry, then down to his hook, which was attached to his belt. When my eyes met his, he stared back. I looked away, and back at Evie.

Mal came over, and stood next to me. "I know your not from the Isle, or I would have remembered you. Who's your parent?" I looked up at her, giving her a look. Not that I was nervous, I would love to tell them, who my mom was, but I just knew they would all look confused, when I tell them. But, I gave it a shot. "Queen Daenerys." Just how I guessed, they all looked confused. "Can you just show me, where my room is. Please." Finally, Mal nodded, took a couple of papers from her pocket, to look over real quick. 

I went to grab my bag, and suitcase, which were resting on the ground, but someone beat me to it. "I can carry these for you, love." It was Harry. He already picked up my suitcase, which i'm okay with him carrying, but I beat him to my bag. "I'll carry this one," carefully slipping it on. "As you wish," he said, bowing. I remember how I thought, that I had to bow down to everyone, who bowed down to me. At some point, mom finally got it through my head, that I don't have to bow down to everyone.

All I did was look at him, then walked up to Mal. "So, first we stop at your dorm, so you can put your stuff down. After, we give you a tour of the place. But after the tour, me and Evie have to go see FG. So, the boys will show you back to your room. More into the week, i'll bring your schedule to your room. Sound cool." I nodded. 'Alright, lets go."

When we got to my room, I felt like I was about to be pissed. The amount of bright colors, that filled the room, made me want to burn it down, and go back home. If I could, I would walk home, if I had to. Quickly, I made a promise, that I will make it though the year, without having any fire, in the picture. I took my suitcase from Harry, and placed it on my bed. I left the room, closed the door, and locked it with the key that Evie gave me. "What about your bag?" Carlos pointed out. "It stays with me," sending him a look. He just hid behind Jay. 

During the tour, Mal and Evie told me about the place, which room was which, and where it was. They gave me tips, of how not to get lost, and how to remember where things were. Jay, and Carlos, kept messing around with each other, pushing each other back and forth. Harry just kept sending glances at me, along with a smile, here and there. At some point, during the tour, Carlos pushed Jay into me, making me fall. I wouldn't have cared, if I didn't have a dragon egg in my bag. Getting up, I could feel my heart stop, and my entire body go cold. I turned to face Jay, feeling a firey feeling fill up inside.

"STOP!" They all looked taken back, from my sudden shout. Jay, well, he had the worst of it. He looked into my eyes, as I glared at him. It wasn't a glare, where I look away right after. No. It's a glare, where I have the person look deep into my eyes, and what me and my mom heard them say after, was they saw themselves being scratched at, by a huge beast, and fire burning them alive. Well, Jay saw that, when he looked into my eyes. How could I tell, do you ask. His entire face went pale, and when Mal asked if he was okay, he stuttered over his words.

With every bit of human strength I had, in my body, I looked away from him. If I kept glaring at him, making him see himself being tortured by some beast, I would stop at nothing, till he was dead. That's how we lost some maids, back at the castle. My mom didn't stop me, and I told her not to. I was afraid if she did, I would've killed her, and I wouldn't live my life, if that happened. Apparently, there's another part to the whole thing, but mom always calmed me down, before it could happen. She, somehow, had a way of calming me down. All it was, was her gently petting my hair, as she layed with me on my bed, and would sing any song. I don't know how it worked, it must've been magic, but it worked.

I covered my eyes, trying to stop what was having. Uncovering them, I looked at all of them, including Jay, without a once of wanting to murder him. "I'm sorry," I said, very quietly. Looking at Mal, I took a breath. "Can I go back to my room,please." "We still need to fin..." "I JUST WANT TO GO BACK TO MY ROOM...please," looking away from her, just so what happened to Jay, wouldn't happen to her. "O-okay. Evie, can you bring her bac..." "MAL...I got it." She was quiet for a moment, but she did answer. "Okay." Pushing past them, I ran to my room. All I cared about, was the dragon egg. 

Closing, and locking the door, I took my bag off, put it down on my bed, and carefully took it out. 'Jay is lucky,' seeing no crack, that wasn't there before. 'If I murdered him, I think, I would have done them a favor. One less friend,' I thought, a smile creeping onto my lips. Putting the egg down, carefully, I ripped off the corner of my blanket. Using some lose things, around the room, I made a little nest, and put it by one of the windows, so the egg stayed warm. Placing the egg in the nest, the sun shined onto it, showing the bit of red on it. I got down on my knees, and looked up at it. At the angle, I could see the little baby dragon inside, moving around a bit. 

'Mom's wrong. It won't take awhile. It's going to take a few weeks,' watching the baby squirm around. "Even though she was wrong, not everyone can be right," tracing a line, with my index finger, down the shell. "I'm gonna name you.....Azhi Dahaka."

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