Chapter 11: Another Kingdom

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Above is what your clothes look like, then later on, is what you'll be wearing, in the next chapter. I'm thinking of adding songs in the book as well.


     Me and Harry spent days, in the Forgotten Mountains, freezing. Due to so many trees, and bushes, my dress got torn up, but it ended up looking pretty cool, says the guy, who wanted to tear it off my body before. I used a few of the ripped fabric, to wrap my feet, so they coukd stay, somewhat warm. Around our nineth day in the mountains, we came across a village, where we got warmer clothes, food, water, and weapons.

I told the people there, that I was Princess Y/N Targaryen, and that I would send someone with money, to pay for the stuff, that me and Harry bought. Which they agreed to, and someone who knew the mountains somewhat better, then anyone else, told me and Harry where to go.

Taking out the map, from the bag that Harry was carrying, I looked at where we were. "On here, it shows that the next kingdom, should be in about a few more miles." Looking up, I saw Harry about to pick a berry from a bush. "Harry, don't eat those." "Why?" "Have fun dying then." He backed away from the bush, and I just laughed. I put the map back in the bag, and we kept walking.

"How much farther?" I looked at the big, whining baby, that I call my boyfriend. "Harry. Dear boyfriend of mine. Since we're walking, it's gonna take, about 2 days," I snapped at him. Harry winced a bit, when I did, and I felt kinda bad. "I'm sorry. It's just cold, and we're both tired, and I just want to be home, with my mom, and friends." He brought me into a hug, when I stopped walking. "It's okay. I shouldn't keep asking, so I'm sorry as well."

I hugged him back, and I forgot how much I missed his hugs. It's been days, since I wanted one. The moment was ruined, when I heard something moving. Quickly pulling away, I took out the sword, that the people back at the village, gave me. Harry pulled his out as well, and looked around worried. "What is it?" "Stay quiet, and keep walking, slowly and quietly." We started doing so, that is, until I stepped on a twig.

"Shit." In the distance, behind us, something snapped. I turned around slowly, and saw the creature that, the people of the village, and the kingdom, that we were heading to, feared. A black wolf, was just stand in there. Its eyes were completely yellow, and glowing. Harry turned around, slowly, to see what was going on. "What is that?" The wolf sneered, its lips curling, showing its sharp fangs.

"The demon wolf, that basically rules this part of the mountains." "How do you know that? Did one of those people tell you?" I wanted to shake my head, but any sudden movement, would have the wolf on us. "No. I just know," I whispered sarcastically. "He looks like he's ready to kill us." The wolf growled, making Harry jump. "Now, he's gonna kill us. RUN!" We started to run, as the wolf started chasing us, barking. "It doesn't seem like a demon!" I looked at Harry, and gave him a look that said 'Really? You ask that now?'

"It's just, no one has seen it, without dying. And, if someone saw it, and made it to the boarder of the mountains, it would disappear. But, there's something, that if someone saw it, and did some shit, that person would become the wolfs master." I almost ran into a tree, but quickly dodged it. "Master, as in, it would have to obey?" "Yeah!" The wolf was almost on our heels, making us run a bit faster. "Y/N, try using your witch powers!" "WHAT!" " Your witch powers. Ya know."

'I'll talk to him about that later,' as I stopped running. I turned my body, as I skidded to a halt, going backwards a bit. The wolf, that somehow fell behind a bit, was running directly towards me. In the back, I heard Harry shouting. "Y/N, you know what, forget that I said that. Come on, before it kills you." I blocked his voice out, and stared right into the wolfs eyes. It glared right into mine, making me glare back. 'Come on.' I don't know what the wolf saw, but it skidded to a halt, stopping completely right in front of me.

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