You're Catching Bees Now Not Flies

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Leo's POV
"Hey boy" said Kevin as he walk inside the room

"The f*ck Kevin I told you I'm a man!" Ross told him loudly

"That doesn't say that you were a crying waterfall while we are watching Titanic " he said back mockingly

"Real original Kevin I can't even wonder why girls fall for you and your lame jokes" Ross said eating my chocolate candy bar and a stash of them in my hidden bookcase

"Makes me wonder, why Leo is not getting fat cause he has a secret stash behind his closet, kinda reminds of Carly again" Kevin said, how on earth does the conversation about my weight go to the topic about Carly?

"DAMN IT, I should have taken a picture of her while her hoodie was down, needless to say she was adorable to look at like a bunny" Ross said with regret and was trying to finish off my whole stash
I'm gonna kill him later if I only find wrappers and crumbs

"I did saw her at the library after school today" my hands crossed

Kevin got a pillow and Lied down in front of me, even Ross did the same
"Tell us the details NOW!!" they said in real creepy unison

After I told them the details

"OH MY DAMN, she is already adorable and honest she's is my type" Ross said

"Maybe you should ask her out, at the same time why don't we watch a movie, yeah?" I said then I got ready

••••••(at the Mall Theater )
Carly's POV
After I got ready and finish my dinner, we went to the Mall theatre it was big alright, when we got settled down we forgot the popcorns so Stacy, Jana, and I went to the popcorn area while we left Jake to watch over our seats

Stacy is wearing,

Jana on the other hand is wearing,

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Jana on the other hand is wearing,

Jana on the other hand is wearing,

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

I was wearing

And of course, I let my hair show cause no one cares in the mall if their hair is pink, blue, purple, etc

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

And of course, I let my hair show cause no one cares in the mall if their hair is pink, blue, purple, etc.

Back at school we are nerds or weirdo's but on the outside its a different story

When we are almost got to the popcorn area I bumped into a guy with a black leather jacket

"Hey, not cool" I said as I take a look at the person

When he turned around it was Xavier, my eyes were wide open cause first this is me without a hoodie and wearing normal clothes, second this is our second time meeting and third why does he go to the public theatre if he already has one in house mansion

"Who knew the day that Carly Myers is not wearing her hoodie today" he said mockingly

My friends catch up on me and stop in their tracks when they see me with Xavier, his friends got the same reaction too but they only let go of a bag of popcorn, mouths hung wide open when they saw me, Stacy and Jana
Damn clichè much !?

Those poor popcorns

"Ross shut that mouth of yours you're catching bees now not flies" Kevin said

Guys sorry again for me being the lazy shit I was thinking of making another story, I blame my brain cause there is a lot of stuff going on too 😅😅😅

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