That is Ridiculous

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Leo's POV
Hunter removed my hand from his collar while smirking and glaring at me

"I know Carly more than you do Xavier" he then stood up and walked to Carly both hands at his pockets

I was angry and I can feel my hand being formed into a fist, I'm stopping myself from punching him

Carly's POV
I finally finished my drawing for the decoration and Merlin agreed that we can use my drawing as a start

"the supplies we need are in the storage room that is behind the library" Natasha said excitedly

"I'll come with you" a voice that is from our backs and we looked behind and it was Hunter both hands at his pockets

Hunter has Raven coloured hair with dark eyes, is very tall and has a muscular build because of his training with the football team

"sure" Merlin replied

"I'll help also" Leo ran up to us from the bench and is standing in front of me, I just gave him a thumbs up

All of us looked at Brittney who is on her phone

If I could describe Brittney it would be that she looks anything but normal

Who on earth wears a tank top that everyone can see everything that is paired with a very short skirt it also doesn't help that she also wear high heels all the time, she has bleach blonde hair with a purple streak that is put in a high ponytail and honey brown eyes

Brittney finally looked up to us from her phone "what!?" she said loudly as she moved her long nails making a hand gesture

"are you going to help us or not?" I asked her as I closed the sketchbook

"not a chance in hell Myers" and she looked at her phone again ignoring us

All of us shrugged at her

And we all went to the storage room, Natasha stopped at her step

"I FORGOT THE KEYS!!" she yelled and ran to the faculty

All of us laughed at her sudden action, while waiting for Natasha all of us sat and some are leaning by the library outside walls

"Hey Hunter can I take a look at your drawings?" I asked Hunter and he just smiled at me

I took a look at the drawing, the first drawing looks nice it is a drawing of flowers and a girl that has short hair

The next drawing is of a little girl that has chains at both of her ankles she looked sick and is filled with bruises and some scars, this scene looked familiar to me

I didn't want to look at it anymore so turned to the next page and I was horrified at what I saw, it was a little girl that has blue eyes and blue hair

She has shoulder-length hair, she is floating in some huge glass cylinder container that looks like it is filled with water

There is an oxygen mask that was given to her while she is floating inside, she seems to be sleeping

At the corner of the drawing, it was titled "little Maria"


I heard a woman's voice in my head and there is a memory of mine I haven't seen before

"Listen to me my dear Maria if he catches you, both you and I will die by his hands"
The woman looks blurry to me, I can feel the grip of her hands on my shoulder

"CARLY!!" I heard Leo as he shakes me with both of his hands at my shoulders

"your nose is bleeding" Merlin told me

I touched the bottom of my nose and it is indeed bleeding
"don't worry I'll be fine" I tried to walk but darkness consumed me

Leo's POV (before Carly fainted)
Carly looks horrified at what she saw in the sketchbook, she let go of the sketchbook and it hits the ground

She looks like she is in a trance and is not reacting, her nose bled but she is still not reacting

I sped walked to Carly and tried to shake her but there is no use, Merlin tried to help me shake her back but is no use

Me, Merlin and Hunter looked at Carly alarmed at what is happening to her

Hunter called out to her but she is not responding and her nose kept bleeding, I was really worried I don't know what to do but shout her name "CARLY!!"

She looked at me and blinked, she looks confused

"your nose is bleeding" Merlin said to her

She touched the bottom of her nose and looked at the blood that came out
"don't worry I'll be fine"
and she tried to walk but suddenly fainted

I managed to catch her in time
"Carly!?" I was confused at what is happening and her breathing is shallow

I carried her bridal style and ran to the school clinic, Hunter followed me to the clinic also

Hunter opened the door for me and I went in carrying Carly, luckily there was a nurse inside and she helped Carly with her nosebleed

As I tucked her in the bed I took one last look at Carly and I glared back at Hunter

I brought him outside the clinic
"what the f**k was in that sketchbook!?" I can feel anger inside me starting

"why would I tell you?" Hunter looked  at me with a serious tone

"Tell. Me. Now" I was at my limit

"I have my reason Xavier, I liked Carly far longer than you. So listen to me when I say that I mean no harm to Carly!!" he told me

He hit my shoulder with his as he left

"What on earth does he mean he liked Carly?!, they only met just now?" is what I thought as I looked at Hunter's back

I went inside the clinic to see that Carly is still sleeping and her bleeding nose looks like it stopped, I searched for a chair for me to sit on and I borrowed a chair from the nurse

Her bun that I fixed is now a mess, so I removed her hair tie and fix her hair down

I put a hair behind her ear as she sleeps, she looks okay now

I gave a sigh of relief while waiting I tried to look for my phone but I felt a paper in my pocket

It was the diagnosis that Kathrina gave me this morning, I opened the folded paper and read what it said

Hello dear Mr. Patient,

After my simple research last night and the test that I did last night also, I conclude that your sickness is that you are in love

For more information please visit me at my room that is located near the stairs

- Dr. Kathrina Xavier

In love?

I looked at sleeping Carly that has two pieces of cotton that is in both of her nostrils, I laughed because she looks funny to look at

That is ridiculous how on earth am I in love with her?

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