Do I Smell Love?

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Stacy's POV
We finally reached my home and I woke Brittney up, Natasha arrived after we got out and I saw Jana walking towards us

"see you tomorrow Stace" Kevin said and he left

Natasha smirked at me "do I smell love?" she skipped to me

"I sense it" Jana said in reply to Natasha, I just rolled my eyes at them

Brittney was just standing there awkwardly, I put my arm around her
"let's go in Britt" I smiled at her

She smiled a little at me, we gave Brittney a facial and some clothes to put on

We finally get to have a normal conversation, before Brittney would separate herself from a lot of people

"Hey Britt can I ask you a personal question?" all of us looked at Natasha

"did you kiss Leo before?" She askes and I gave her a wide-eyed look since this is not the time for her to be asking that

Brittney raised a brow at her and looked at her nails "why would you guys think Leo would like to kiss me?" she said and it caught our attention

She looked at her nails that is being painted on by Jana
"sure Leo would date a lot of girls but I don't think he even kisses them, he just let them kiss him on the cheek but other than that there is nothing more" she said and blows on her nails

I was slow at first but then my thoughts suddenly catch up, I have realized something

Wait a minute, if Leo hasn't kissed any girl and Carly got her first kiss by Leo

Then that means "LEO'S FIRST KISS IS CARLY!!!" I shouted which startled all three of them, they were so confused as I just keep squealing around the room

"hold on, hold on a damn minute what do you mean Leo's first kiss is Carly?" Jana asked me

I told them everything, Natasha and Jana squealed and Brittney smiled

"We are watching a great love story unfold my b*tches!!" Natasha said and we all agreed

We slept I think about 2 AM

Leo's POV
I woke up super early and got myself dressed up

I was making so many explanations in my head that I will suppose to tell Carly, but I will choose only one

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I was making so many explanations in my head that I will suppose to tell Carly, but I will choose only one

"the kiss was an accident"

"you can hate me but I hope we could still be friends"

"I Love You"

That last part made me slap myself, C'mon Leo get yourself together

"Big Bro why are you slapping yourself?" I heard Kathrina's voice from the door, she was peeking at me

"Hey Kath you're all dressed up today?" I questioned her, she is wearing

"Hey Kath you're all dressed up today?" I questioned her, she is wearing

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A cute outfit

"Thanks, I am going on a date with Marcus for ice cream" she said

"Marcus? isn't that the weird kid that likes dinosaurs?" I asked and she nodded

This sister of mine finally got a date so quickly, she is going places for her age. I am still stuck if Carly likes me or not

We do have a habit of liking weird people, my sister likes that weird dinosaur kid, mom loves my dad who is an Astronomy geek and I like the creepy hoodie blue-haired girl who has 3 mentally deranged brothers

This is getting out of hand, soon we might even produce weirder children in the future

I just scratched my head in response and I went downstairs, we already had breakfast so I just started the car and went to school

Going to the entrance there were a lot of girls who are still trying to talk to me

"Hey Leo I was wondering I-" I just ignored her

"Leo I hope we can make things up and started dating again" I passed by her without saying a word

"Xavier we need to tal-" I shush her and I walked by her too

What on earth!? how many girls have I dated? There is too much of them to handle

I stopped flirting with a lot of girls the moment I realized I liked Carly so I just focused on improving our relationship and hope for the best, thank goodness Brittney stopped pursuing me

That's one problem down and more to go, I went into the art room and I saw Hunter who was leaning beside the window

"Hey" he greeted me I said hey back

It was a bit awkward because it was only the two of us early in the morning

"About Carly" I heard Hunter start a conversation

"She is already awake, I got the message from Stacy" he added

"um thanks" I replied, I don't know what is Hunter's relationship with Carly sometimes he acts like a brother and sometimes he acts as if he knows her for a long time

Carly's POV
I opened my eyes slowly and I can feel a lot of pain from my shoulder, Stacy was at my bedside

"Hi" she said and smiled at me, I can't reply to her yet I am still a bit weak to talk

"Alright don't force yourself to talk gurl get well soon" she added and stood up, she told me she is going to school and that mom and dad were buying food for me

My brothers were at school too, she said goodbye and left

I was all alone in the ward, it was quiet and the AC is nice

The windows are big too, you can see a lot from the 12th floor of the hospital

I was still lying down and it is hard to get up, I heard footsteps coming to me as the sounds get louder

It was Brittney with a concerned look on her face, she is not wearing anything revealing any more and she has a simple makeup on her face it is not heavy nor too distracting to look at

"Hi Carly" she said in a soft and quiet voice and she sat beside me, I turn my head to face her

"I'm sorry I got you into this mess" in a sad voice she said

"anyway my mom is in a psychiatric hospital now and is doing fine, dad is now in prison that's all" she added

"thanks to you, Mom and I are free" her face is beaming and she held my hand

I feel relieved for Brittney, she never gets to show her true self because of her dad

She wore clothes so revealing and going out with so many guys just to rebel against him, she has a kind personality she never gets the chance to show

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