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Leo's POV
I finally arrived home, I got out of the van holding Bruce

"Thanks for the ride" I said to Stacy she waved goodbye to me and left

I walked up to the front of my house and as I was about to open the door my little sister Kathrina opened it immediately
"There you are, I have been looking everywhere for you"
Kathrina commented with her hands crossed and she is wearing her butterfly wings on her pink panjamas

As I got in the house Kathrina saw Bruce
"Ducky!!" She said excitedly and took Bruce from me

She looked so happy and excited, she ran to the kitchen "Mom look!!, big bro brought a duck" she showed Bruce to Mom

Mom turned around from stirring the soup and saw Bruce, she looked at me
"Leo where did you get this duck?" both hands on her waist as she bent her knees to get a closer look at Bruce

"I got it at the fair it was the main Prize" I replied as I was about to take a sip of the soup from the ladle

Mom hit me at the back of the head "what's the rule?"

I sighed "no one is allowed to eat the food while it's being cooked"

Mom smiled and patted the back of my head the spot where she hit me
"Sorry about that, and about the duck" she looked at Bruce while pointing at him "you will have to take care of it or else I will have to release it to the wild"

I nodded my head and I was planning to go to my bedroom but I don't see Kathrina or Bruce anywhere

I heard laughing upstairs and I went to Kathrina's bedroom to take a peek, Bruce is sitting at one of the kiddie chairs and was given a small breadstick as Kathrina pours him a pretend cup of tea
"is the party to your liking miss Ducky?" as a reply Bruce quacked

Bruce is wearing a pink bow around his neck and seems to be enjoying it so I left them alone to play

I went to my room and lied on the bed as I opened my phone to play games, I got bored a bit later and I take a look at the picture gallery

I opened it and started with the first pic it was Carly smiling holding Bruce while we were at the Merry Go Round, I swiped to the next pic and it was a picture of Carly again

I keep swiping but all of them are filled with pictures of Carly and only a few pictures of other stuff
"did I really only took pictures of Carly" so I looked at the album and I was right

And there is a video of all of us riding bumper cars, I played it
"damn it Kevin stop hitting my car" Ross said

"oh, I'm sorry I didn't even seem to remember that you were the one who keeps following my car" Kevin replied and stuck his tongue out as he retreats his car from Ross he hits Carly at the rear of her bumper car

"Kevin move!!" Carly said in a loud voice as she is laughing when suddenly she was hit by Stacy at the side

"oops sorry" Stacy tried to turn the other way but hit me instead

That seems to be the end of the video, I chuckled at it then I stopped

I remembered Ross holding Carly as she is laughing, I gripped my phone tighter at the thought

I was about to close my phone but then I remembered that I took a picture of Carly at the shore

I found it and opened it, Carly's loose braids on her hair are flowing with both hands behind her back as she is holding her boots behind her

She is walking barefoot and being near the seawater as the sun is almost setting in the background, her eyes are focused on something as she is not looking at the camera

I was in awe at the pic that I took of Carly, then I realised I was looking at it for a long time that I looked anywhere but the pic

But I suddenly did something that feels wrong but I did it anyway, I chose the pic where Carly is holding Bruce while smiling and I made it my screen lock

When I finally finished doing it I stopped, I instantly closed my phone threw it at the chair at my desk and I flopped my head at my pillow

I kept doing it and I talked to myself as I cover my face with a pillow
"what is happening to me?!, this never happened before uggghhhh" and I keep hitting my face with the pillow

"Ummm" I heard Kathrina's voice in my doorway and she looked shocked

She retreated a little and immediately ran downstairs screaming "MOM I THINK BIG BRO IS GOING INSANE!!"

"I am not!!" I said in a loud voice and  I went downstairs

I saw Mom preparing the plates and I helped her

We ate dinner and I cleaned the dishes while mom is doing work on her laptop in the living room

After I was done Kathrina tugged my pants and I looked at her
"play with me" as she showed me one of her bunny dolls

I looked at Mom but she is focused on doing work, so I accepted Kathrina's request

We went to her room and she showed me where to sit at her circular kiddie table with dolls and stuffed toys, I was placed next to Bruce who seems to be sleeping

I didn't want to sit at the kiddie chair so I just sat on the floor in an Indian sitting position, Kathrina gave me a teacup

"So tell me a tea" she looked at me straight in the eyes as she sipped her imaginary tea

I smiled as I sighed, if there is one thing that Kathrina is best at is she can keep a secret with a pinky promise

"alright but pinky promise me don't tell this to anybody" as I pulled out my pinky, she nodded and intertwined her pinky around mines

"you see I keep having these weird symptoms like my heart keeps skipping a beat and sometimes I keep staring at the picture of someone for a long time"

Kathrina stood up and went to her closet, she came out wearing a white coat on top of her panjamas and a stethoscope around her neck

"where did you get that stethoscope?"

"oh this?" she showed it to me
"I borrowed it from my classmate Lory she said it belonged to her mom, I will return it to her tomorrow" she grinned, I chuckled at her

"so what kind of picture that you stared at for a long time"

I showed her the picture of Carly at the shore, she instantly put the stethoscope at my heart

"Keep staring at the picture" she said as she keeps hearing my heartbeat

I did keep staring at the picture but Kathrina instantly stopped hearing my heart

"well?" I raised a brow at her

"your heart big's too loud and fast" as she rubbed her ear

She pulled me up and pushed me out her door
"you will get your results tomorrow after I will do a little research big bro, I'm sure we can heal you from your sickness goodnight" she grinned and closed the door at my face

I went back to my bedroom and let me tell you I didn't get a wink of sleep last night

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