Wrapped In The Blanket Like A Burrito

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Leo's POV
"I wonder what gift that Carly would like for Christmas?" I thought to myself as I walk back to the front door of the bathroom where Kathrina is, I was exactly on time when I arrived because Kathrina opened the door and I was already here

We walked back to the living room and I saw both Mom and Carly talking a lot, their conversation was long to the point that Kathrina fell asleep on the couch

They finally stopped after an hour, Mom carried Kathrina back to their room

Carly yawned loudly
"It's time for you to sleep, we need to go to school tomorrow" I said to her
"ok" she said and nodded at the same time, she looks like a sleepy toddler

I tucked her in bed and she instantly fell asleep

••••the next day••••

Carly's POV
I opened my eyes and I feel two arms embracing me from the back, I am wrapped in the blanket like a burrito. I look behind me and it was Leo hugging from the back while sleeping

He was snoring a bit, I chuckled at him. If I move he might wake up, I wiggle myself little by little out of the blanket

I finally got myself free from it and I noticed that Leo was not covered with a blanket so I put one on him, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face since it was super oily

When I went out Leo was still sleeping soundly on the bed

So I slowly sat on the bed, put a little bit of my hair behind my ear and I bent myself so I can kiss Leo on the cheek
"Good Morning Honey" I whispered to him and I went out of the room to eat breakfast

Leo's POV
I was pretending to sleep and I feel Carly kissed me on the cheek
"Good Morning Honey" she whispered to me and she tiptoe herself out of the room, I grinned. "She's too adorable" I said in my head which makes me cover my face with a pillow

Carly's POV
Walking to the dining room, I can sense some kind of tension in the air. I take a look and it was Stacy eating a bowl of cereal at the outside table and Kevin eating slices of bacon inside on the dining table, poor Merlin and Hunter was in the middle of it all since they feel the tension too

Merlin grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear "what the heck happened? The air is so fricking thick you can cut it with a butcher knife"

I took a pancake and a banana with milk as my breakfast, I went outside and Stacy was just lost in her own thoughts as she eats her sausage in peace
"Morning Stace" I greeted her, she was not responding because she was still eating as her mind is floating somewhere. I let her be like that until she notices me

So I sat down and ate my breakfast, it took Stacy a full 10 minutes to even break out of her thoughts
"oh hey Carly, Morning" she finally greeted me

Her voice was a bit croaky and her eyes were a bit puffy it was not that noticeable though

Stacey has lovely grey eyes and honey-coloured hair, If I am a guy I would fall for her but I would never understand how Kevin would feel about Stacy. I am sad for her
"How are you feeling?" I asked

"Just dandy, the weather is great today" she tried to change the topic, I can hear footsteps and I looked behind me to see Leo who is now awake and is making himself a tuna sandwich

He saw me looking at him making the sandwich, he pointed to the sandwich and mouthed "do you want one?"

I gave him a thumbs up and he started making another sandwich for me
"I wish love was easy to get like you and Leo" Stacy commented and she sighed

I will be honest here it took me a lot of self-denying that I was in love with him before I can't accept it because I can't believe I fell in love with a now-former player, it took me a lot of trust and courage to love him

"do you still like him?" I asked her and she slowly nodded while looking away
"the gap between us was finally closing a bit but because of my stupid clumsiness I doubt the damage cannot be repaired" she said as she stood up and walk to the kitchen sink to wash her bowl

At the corner of my eye, I saw Kevin glance at Stacy's back for a bit and quickly focused on his breakfast
"maybe there is still hope" I said to myself

"yeah maybe there is" I heard Leo say as he sat down at the seat in front of me

Leo's POV
I tried to give Carly the sandwich but I saw both of her hands are full, one hand was holding a banana and the other is a fork with a pancake in it

"you eat a lot for breakfast" I said and I held the sandwich for Carly to bite it, she swallowed the sandwich bite

"using my brain at school is tiring as it already is but I have to find a way to help Stacy too, so I need to fuel up" she said with determination sparkling in her eye, I ate my sandwich as I listen to Carly talk about some random plan that she came up with her head

"guys we should go!" Natasha said loudly at us which made Carly stop talking about her plan

Carly's POV
We went in this big van and Ross drove all of us to school, he parked the van and we all came out of it

We caught a lot of attention
"isn't that Ross and Leo? Why are they hanging out with Hoodie and Stacy?"

And there are many more people who are gossiping about us, I suddenly covered myself with the hoodie that Matt gave to me this morning because Mom came by and left our clothes at Merlin's mansion

The hoodie is like a shield that protects me, it also keeps me warm and cosy. I felt a warm hand was intertwined with mine

I look up at Leo
"don't worry you'll get used to it" he whispered it to me and gave me a cheeky grin

I glance at the people who are still watching us "I do hope so" I said quietly

"Hoodie" ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora