No I Will Not

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Carly's POV
Stacy finally is standing in front of me...well both hands on her bended knees from that long run

She looked at me and I can see the face paint art on her face, it is actually really detailed

It is a carnation with leaves surrounding it and berries, she asked me to take a picture and I pulled out my phone

Leo took my phone "go stand next to Stacy"

I posed with Stacy in front of the seashore, I heard both Kevin and Ross from a distant

All three of us looked at them, Ross was holding our drinks while Kevin is holding two big paper bags in each hand

They finally arrived and gave us each of our burgers, since we cannot find a place to eat we just sat on the sand and started a bonfire

So in short we are sitting on the cold sand and we are gathered around a fire for warmth and light

Kevin got a double patty, Ross have a veggie burger with fries

Stacy have bacon and cheeseburger, I have an aloha burger and Leo have a chicken burger with potato wedges

Leo kept giving some potato wedges to Bruce and when he finally ran out of potato wedges, Bruce looked at Ross who still has fries and he waddled to him

When Bruce is already right beside him Ross is still ignoring him, Bruce quacked very loud which startled Ross

"I'm not giving you my fries" Ross glared at Bruce

It looks like Bruce is angry and started flapping his wings and started to attack Ross, which forced Ross to stand up and run with Bruce flapping his wings and running while quacking really loud

"Bruce stop trying to f**king attack me!!" Ross yelled as he kept throwing bits of fries at Bruce while running in hopes it can slow Bruce down but it did the opposite effect it made Bruce faster

We all laughed at what is happening, Ross and Bruce just kept running in different directions, when Ross touched the paper bag to get fries it was empty

Ross stopped and tried to look inside the paper bag but it was empty, he crumpled it and glared at Bruce

"damn you, Bruce!!" Ross said in a loud voice as he throw the paper bag at Bruce and started running after him

Bruce waddled fast to Leo to hide himself and when he finally reached to Leo, Leo put Bruce behind him

Ross stopped in his tracks
"Leo give me that duck" Ross said in the most serious tone ever

"no I will not" then suddenly Leo put Bruce into my arms and I saw Ross run to me which makes me stand up and run around with Ross running after me while I'm holding Bruce

I passed the duck to Stacy and Stacy started running with Bruce, Kevin also stood up and said "Stacy give me the duck"


And Kevin ran faster and gave me the duck, sadly I'm a bit slow so Ross finally came up behind me and held my waist from behind and tried to steal the duck away from me

"Carly give me the duck right now"

"No!" I said in a loud noise and Ross started tickling me

I was laughing so loud that my stomach hurts when finally Kevin took the duck from me and ran, Ross stopped tickling me and started running after Kevin

After a few minutes I calmed down from the tickling, I felt like someone is watching so I looked at my surroundings and I saw Leo standing at my left side looking...sad and he looks like he is spacing out

I walked up to him and asked "Hey you okay?"

Me asking him finally brought him back from him spacing out, looked at me straight in the eyes

And we've stared at each other's eyes for a long time now when Stacy called out my name
"Carly, Let's go home!!"

Stacy said as she is holding Bruce while walking barefoot on the sand, Kevin looked like he is comforting Ross
"once I get my hands on that duck"
and Kevin just patted him at the back

Leo didn't look at me and just gave me my phone and walked to the parking lot alongside Kevin and Ross

I looked at Leo's back and I feel abandoned but I don't know why

So I walked to the parking lot

We finally reached the parking lot and we got inside, Stacy is at the driver's seat

I was planning to ask Leo what's wrong but Leo chose the passenger seat next to Stacy and looked out the window with Bruce at his lap sleeping

Ross sat beside me and Kevin is sleeping at the back

It was a quiet ride home because we're all tired from a fun day we had, but I kept looking at Leo with a worried look on my face

Leo just keep looking out the window without looking at me, he just keep looking out until I got home

I went out of the van and Stacy rolled down her van driver side window
"Hey Carly I will be just driving the guys home, see ya" and she waved at me and said goodnight before she drove off

I walked up to my house and just enjoyed the breeze before I can reach the door

I opened the door to hear the house being so quiet 'they're all asleep' I thought

And I just walked silently to my room and closed the door, after closing the door I slammed my body down on my soft bed

I enjoyed the cool AC in the room the soft bed with comforter, I finally lied down on my back and facing up my ceiling

I sighed 'why is Leo acting like that today' I keep thinking of reasons why Leo acted like that

I just gave up and opened my phone to look at the picture gallery, I smiled at the picture of me and Stacy by the shore then I saw another picture

I opened it and it was Leo holding Bruce and smiling at the camera, I think my heart just skipped a beat for a moment

So I closed my phone and put both hands on my face in utter frustration

'must be tired' so I stood up and walked to the bathroom to wash my face

I saw my face with my pale blue eyes and my unnatural blue hair, I changed my clothes to my panjamas and I noticed my weird looking shaped scar

The scar looked like a small lotus logo that is encircled, it is located at my hip area

Weirdly, I can't remember anything after the age of 5 years old

Mom and dad don't even want to talk about it also, they just said I was in a coma state after a car crash

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