Knock Knock Nerd

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Leo walked up to me and greeted me with a "good to know you're back Carly" and patted me on the back

I tried to talk to him about the notes then suddenly Brittney walked up to him
"Leo let's talk" and she gave him a flirty look

Leo looked at me and said "see you later", as they leave I see their backs and Brittney just gave me a dirty look and talked to Leo again as they went inside the school

Leo's POV (after the incident)
It was the day after the incident and Carly didn't come to school

I came to school the next day she still wasn't there, I saw Matt Carly's big brother walked by

We talked by the school bench and I asked "is Carly not coming to school?"

And Matt only replied by saying
"she will be gone for a week" and he was about to leave when he stopped

He looked at me straight in the eye
"I appreciate what you did for Carly" then he left

I went to History class as my first subject, but now that I think about it my schedule and Carly's are similar for a whole week

That's why I keep seeing her in different subject rooms, I stopped dozing off and looked at the board

I have never been the one to copy notes from the board because I'm not interested when a thought suddenly came to my mind 'what if Carly liked this subject?'

So I pulled out my notebook and pen, and I copied what's on the board, I must have surprised the history teacher after class when I asked that if there is going to be a quiz about the discussion and fortunately he said no

And this went on for the different subjects until school ends, I was packing up my stuff after Biology and suddenly a hand knocked on my table

"knock knock nerd" Kevin joked
I looked up at him and Ross came to my desk also
"since when were you the type to copy notes?" Ross asked

I don't want to tell him about Carly so I lied "I just want to see if I can understand what the hell is going on with the subjects so I can be aware of why my grades are going downhill"

"Yeah, but you were never interested in your grades going down ever since you became a player dude" Kevin commented as he takes a look at the notes that I wrote

"surprisingly you have good penmanship even though you don't write often, it looks like a female writing" then Kevin laughed at Ross' description of my writing

"you can write a love letter to a guy and no one will suspect it's you" Kevin added as he is out of breath from laughing so hard, which made him laugh even harder

I got embarrassed and took my notes out of Ross' hands and left the classroom

I walked up to Carly's house and I saw her by her bedroom window and I see her a bit fixing her hair to a ponytail, she has a pretty side profile like a models

I knocked at the door and it took quite a while for her to open the door when she opened it I was suddenly greeted by her soft blue eyes

She let me in and asked me "what are you doing here?" as she closed the front door

I told her a lie by saying "Stacy asked me to give this to you" I gave her the notes and assignments

"oh, please say thank you to Stacy for me" she replied and she gave me a smile, I was in awe at her genuinely adorable smile and I couldn't help but smile back at her

After I left her home I realize that this feels refreshing and nice to do, I went on doing this for a week

I was even surprised at myself when I unconsciously answered a Math question by the teacher, and he just said "he's right" as he looked at the board

At lunchtime, I became Ross' and Kevins textbook on every subject and they just ask if there is going to be a quiz on every subject

It looks like me and Carly helping one another at the assignments and me always taking notes is showing their results already

There is also a night where me, Carly and her brother Sean played monopoly, I can't help but look amused at what I was seeing

Carly is at the other end of the table with a pout while looking at her money, she is the poorest out of the three of us when in monopoly money

I chuckled at the sight she looks like a pouting toddler, and she is very concentrated on the game

I did enjoy my time spending with Carly she is very amusing and fun to be with

And the day finally came when Carly, at last, came to school, I parked my car at the school parking lot and I saw her come out of the library building

She looked at me when suddenly my heart begin to beat fast, I walked to her and said "good to know you're back Carly"

It looks like she was about to say something to me when I heard Brittney's voice coming to me

"Leo Let's talk" and she tried to do that flirty voice and I feel disgusted by it

I looked at Carly
"see you later"
As we are about to leave, in the corner of my eye I saw Brittney give Carly a dirty look and I feel angry as she is doing it

We finally went inside the school and went into one of the classrooms, I pulled my arm from Brittney

I gave Brittney a serious look and I said something I would have never said before

"Leave me alone" I said in a frustrated tone

"why, is there something wrong with our relationship?" she tried to look pitiful but is failing,

"We don't have a relationship, to begin with" I said and I was trying to leave but suddenly she blocked my path

I saw what she is wearing and it is too revealing 'how on earth did I like her?' compared to her and Carly

Carly is much better, she is very reserved and focused on her studies

And Carly looks more lovelier to look at to the point you won't ever get bored looking at her, an image of her smiling beautifully popped up in my mind her soft blue eyes looking at me and her blue hair is down framing her face

"Leave me alone Brittney" and I forced my way out, slamming the door along the way

As I was leaving I stopped walking and I thought
'what the heck am I thinking, why on earth would I think Carly Myers the creep and the school 'hoodie' look lovely' I feel more frustrated now

"Hoodie" ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz