Barricade The Door

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Carly's POV
Both me and Stacy went to school and I met up with my group, Leo was absent

I think he is avoiding me because of yesterday, I hope everything will turn out okay

"Hey Carly" Hunter snapped his fingers in front of me, I looked at him

"you've been staring at the fountain for a long time" He said and I looked where I was staring

It was the fountain where Leo fixed my hair that day, I feel that pain in my chest

I went back to the spot where I was cutting paper for the fall design, we did that for the whole day

"wait I think I forgot about my designs at home and I haven't finished it yet" Brittney said

All of us groaned "Brittney you have all the time in the world why?" Merlin said to her

Brittney looked away and I think I saw a bruise on her face if you look closely it looks like it was covered with thick make-up

"hey Brittney"

She looked at me with her brows raised

"do you need help with the design?" I asked her, it looks like Brittney is having a hard time so I offered her my help

Brittney's POV
Dad will not be home in a few days, I think it will be fine

And this is my first time having an acquaintance at home, this might be fun

I don't have to deal with his abuse for a few days

"sure, come to my house after school"

Carly's POV
I smiled at her and she nodded at me, looks like I will visit her home

••••after school••••

Me and Brittney went to her house, her home is decent on the outside

And when we got in I think I saw her mom sleeping at the dinner table with a lot of wine and beer bottles on top and the bottom of the table, there is a picture frame that has a lot of cracks but is still hanged up on the wall and I saw a broken plate piece at the bottom of their couch

Everything is in place as I suspected, Brittney is being abused

She let me into her room, it was normal like any teenagers room like mines and it was clean

I sat on her couch and she pulled out all the designs she did, she was in charge of designing the fountain along with Natasha

"so here is where I am having a hard time on choosing a colour palette, the colours of fall is based on warm colours but choosing a colour on a specific place is hard" she said and pointed on certain parts of the fountain

"oh that's easy you just have to.." and I told her everything she needs, after spending time with Brittney I do notice her good parts

She is very attentive and can easily catch up with everything I say, though she doesn't juggle her time properly and lacks in manners I'm sure she can still be taught

We both heard a loud slamming of the door downstairs
"YOU F**KING SLUT!!" I heard someone shout it was a man's voice

I saw Brittney got scared and I was reaching my gun that I hid in my bag, I got my gun

"barricade the door" I told her, Brittney was still stiff and was having a hard time breathing and is now crying

I was concerned for her so I barricade the door with her study desk and I locked the door, I put a lot of heavy stuff on the desk so it wouldn't be opened easily

The man from downstairs is now kicking the door of the bedroom loudly "YOU B*TCH GET OUT I NEED TO SHOW YOUR MOTHER WHAT HAPPENS IF SHE CHEATED ON ME!!!"

"HAROLD STOP!!" the yell came from the right side it is from the stairs

I put both of my hands on Brittney's shoulders "open the window"

"I can't" she said and we both looked at the window that is sealed shut even if we break the glass the wood that is in the middle will be hard to remove and we don't have much time

My revolver only has six rounds this will be a hard fight
"Britt hide behind me and find anything that can be used as a weapon" she nodded and went to look under her bed and brought out a bat

"I always hid it, cause I get times where I think I can murder my *ssh*le of a dad, I guess that's today" she said as she gripped the wooden bat tightly

I opened my phone and called Natasha but the guy finally break through the door and is now walking to us, he has a huge built even bigger than Leo's and he was too tall

He was so angry and pissed that it is terrifying to look at him, I pointed my revolver at him

Brittney has a bat but she was still scared of her dad

"YOU FUCKING BITCH, IS THIS HOW YOU TREAT ME AFTER ALL THAT I'VE DONE?!" he yelled at Brittney and she was startled

"F**k you, You didn't do anything for me when I was little" she replied in a quiet voice with tears falling down her face

There is a vein that appeared on the guy's temple with anger he ran for her

I pointed my revolver at his leg and shoot him, he fell down
"F*CK!" he shouted and I grabbed Brittney's hand and we made a run for it to the door

As we ran down the stairs we saw Brittney's mom lying at the bottom of the stairs
"MOM!!" Brittney yelled and ran to her

Natasha's POV
I heard my phone alarm and I answered it as I was painting my nails

Nobody answered then I heard a very loud

I stopped painting my nails, that voice was so loud and deep that it can belong to a guy that is super big

"F**k you, You didn't do anything for me when I was little" it was Brittney's voice and I heard a loud gunshot at the call

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