Chapter 28

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"She will wake up, won't she?" Tony asked, after hours of watching you lie still on the bed. Every passing second that he had to watch you not smile, not talk or not move in general, he felt his soul shrivel.

"Of course she will!" Sam snapped but looked at Cas in a moment's doubt, "Right?"

"Yes." Cas assured,"She will be awake by the coming dawn." A few nods were registered. "And she will be....." Wanda trailed off, still weary from the fight.

"She will be her usual self, yes."

"Oh thank God." Steve rested his head against the wall and took a breath of relief in a long time. Now that the jarring feeling of dread had passed, Sam Wilson's mind retreated to its usual course. "Who is this guy anyway?" He asked, referring to Castiel.

"I'm an-"

"Cas don't you have work to do?" Dean quickly interrupted the angel, the completion of whose sentence would put him in a compromising position. Cas' eyebrows furrowed in remembrance, "Yes, now that you mention it, I do have some tasks assigned by heaven that are yet to be finished." "Quite the religious guy!" The younger Winchester attempted to avert the crisis.

"I will take my leave." Cas continued. "Through the door!" Almost on instinct, Dean grabbed the angel before he could disappear in thin air, rendering the brothers subject to even more suspicion than they already were. "Because how people leave buildings. Silly me!" Feeling everyone's eyes boring into him, Dean quickly left the room, his excuse being to show Castiel the door, and pulled Sam along with him.


"TONY!" You woke up in cold sweat, frantically looking around for the man in question. Tony had been sitting by your side since last night, too restless and sleepless for his own good. He was just as startled by your loud voice and immediately pulled you into a hug; to calm you down, yes but also to assure himself that this was all real and you had indeed, woken up.

"Sssh, it's okay. I'm here. I'm fine."  He gently cooed in your ear knowing just how disturbing nightmares, especially the ones born out of one's own doings, could be. Your perturbation went down upon hearing his soothing voice but soon another wave of infamy took over, causing you to burst out into a teary mess. "I'm so sorry, I was wrong." You didn't stop to listen when he tried to interject, "I was wrong to push you away. I was wrong to hurt you, I was wrong to think I could do this without you, Tony.... I can't."

Tony genuinely smiled, for the first time in days, "It doesn't matter. As long as you're with me, nothing else matters." You flashed him a teary eyed smile, a smile which melted his heart nonetheless. "You put up with so much. Why? What do you see in me?"

He kissed you in reply. A long, passionate kiss, driven by seven days worth of estrangement. "It isn't what I see, it's what I feel." He rested his forehead against yours, sweetly pecking your lips as he spoke, "Sweetheart, if you were any closer to my heart, you'd be shrapnel." You giggled while he wiped your tears.

"OH MY GOD, YOU GUYS! SHE'S UP!" Clint's voice echoed through the hallways. He ran up to you and tackled you into a hug, quickly followed by the rest of the team, plus Sam and Dean. At last, you felt Tony wrap his arms around your waist and rest his face in the crook of your neck. You smiled in contentment. "I love you all."



"You said only one of your kind exists on the planet at a time, right? So how'd you learn what you were? Or how to hone your powers?" Tony had missed you, so much so that he kept asking mundane questions just so he could hear your voice as you walked through the hallways of Stark tower.

Nobody had let you heal themselves, so after working your routine job on Bucky, you decided it was best to spend time mending your relationship with your boyfriend. "I...I have these, they're too vivid to be called dreams, really, where I see my world, my people. They told me everything - who I am, what I can do, what our land looks like. That's how I knew when to intervene when Loki invaded New York and tweak the body Ultron was creating so it wouldn't help him in his annihilation mission."

"If you plan a honeymoon, can you let us know beforehand so we don't have to wait for you to join us for dinner?" The Falcon's sarcastic voice pulled you out of your thoughts. You realized that you had walked into the dining room and all of the residents were indeed, awaiting Tony and you to begin eating. "Please, Sam. You think this is where I'd bring her for our honeymoon?" Tony kissed the top of your head and pulled a chair out for you.

As soon as you took your seat and the food was served, you felt sick. "I'm not hungry." You barely blurted out the words before you dashed to your room. "I'll see to that." Tony stood up, "Bon appetit to the rest of you."

After a mad run to the toilet, you quickly regurgitated everything bubbling up your throat. Once you looked at it, the feeling of dread set in firmer. It wasn't vomit at all, just blood, no partially digested particles of food whatsoever.

When Tony entered the room, he found you on the bed, tightly wrapped inside a blanket. "(Y/N), are you alright?" His eyes were laced with worry. "I'm fine." Something you were accustomed to saying a lot and meaning never. He shook his head and put a hand on your forehead, "You're burning up!" Of course I am. I am also seeing two of you right now. "It's nothing. I'll be okay." You patted the space next to you and Tony obediently crawled in beside you. "Are you sure?" He asked, wrapping his arms around you.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

A/N: All suggestions and constructive criticism is always welcome.

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